» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Talk to a live representative
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Talk to a live representative

I want to talk to a live representative about the requirement to provide a government photo ID

Community Member

There is nothing to talk about. It's a requirement.


from 2 days and all my cards are getting declined and i need to finish this nproject


Hi Elhadi,


Thank you for reaching out. I checked your account and it looks like our team has already reached out to you with information on why your account has been restricted. Please check your email or access your support tickets here. Kindly coordinate with our team so they can assist you in restoring your access.

~ AJ
Community Member

Walter, if you have additional questions about this, you can ask your questions right here in this thread.


Can also do a search. This topic has been discussed extensively in the Forum.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Walter,


You can request help by clicking on the question mark icon located at the bottom right corner of this page and provide information about your account type as well as the issue you need help with. *Note: you must be logged in to see this option. If you don't receive the information you're looking for, you can click the "thumbs down" button to see more support options.


That said, as Preston mentioned, please feel free to post your question or concern here and we'll be happy to help!

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