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Telegram and Job Offers

Hi.  I'd like to get some advice.


I am new to the platform and bid on a job today.  I received a message to interview with someone on Telegram.  I had no idea what Telegram was or that it was not part of Upwork.  I installed it and interviewed.  At the end of the interview, the person had me wait about 20 minutes while he conveyed the information to the hiring manager.  He came back and said I was hired.  This is when I realized something did not seem right.


I replied "Thank you. I assume you are aware that I bid on this position though Upworks and that their TOS requires offers, payment, and work to go through their platform. Also, of course I would need more information on the job before accepting the position."


He basically indicated that it wasn't necessary and that I'd be emailed the offer letter, etc.  When I reiterated that I was required to work through Upwork, he said it was my choice to work via Upwork or directly with the firm.  I indicated that I needed to go through Upwork and assumed that the person posting the position would take care of the contract through the platform.  He indicated yes.


Obviously now I know that the Telegram app is not associated with Upwork, I won't accept interviews through that in the future.


I don't know if this is a scam or someone using this for the first time and not properly understanding the TOS.  If I don't hear from them through Upwork, all is fine. 


My question is this.  If my bid gets accepted through Upwork, can I assume this is a valid job?  Is there anything I need to be cautious about?


Community Member

Doreen M wrote:

If my bid gets accepted through Upwork, can I assume this is a valid job?

 Still no. The link posted above will give you more idea.


It can still range from blatant scams to the type of scam where legitimate but unethical client try to take as many advantages as possible from you.

View solution in original post

Community Member

There is no job, it's a scam.

You need to read this before you send any more proposals


Community Member

It is a scam. Please flag it as such and keep reporting them here, because you will encounter many more until Upwork is able to stop them because freelancers flagging them and being educated on how to spot them and how to not to fall from them doesn't prevent them from being posted.

Community Member

Doreen M wrote:

If my bid gets accepted through Upwork, can I assume this is a valid job?

 Still no. The link posted above will give you more idea.


It can still range from blatant scams to the type of scam where legitimate but unethical client try to take as many advantages as possible from you.

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