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Top Rated, 100% JSS but can't find work?

Hello everyone,

Is it just me or have the opportunities on Upwork dwindled? I thought that being top-rated and having a 100% Job Success Score would make finding work easier, but maybe I was wrong.

It would be great to hear different perspectives from both sides. I have significantly improved as a writer and am ready to commit to long-term projects if they are available. I am a valuable asset to any team, but how can I reach those who can give me the opportunity to turn my life around?

Thank you. I appreciate any insight and information from members. I hope everyone is having a great 2023.

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Here are some of the main TIPS to follow:


PROFILE: Always complete your Upwork Profile before applying for Jobs. Create a Title and Skills to apply for Jobs to match what Clients are searching for. Use one or two of the Skill keywords in the Title to emphasize what you bring to the table for the Client. Create 3 or 4 short paragraphs in the Summary. If the Summary is too long, most Clients will not read the rest of your Profile; too short then there isn't enough information for a Client to hire. Use all 15 Skills IF they apply. The Skills are used to assist a Client in locating your Profile via search. Add your Portfolio and always use a colorful image. Consider adding a Project Catalog if it applies. By the way, it goes without saying make sure that your Profile Settings are on Public not Private so others can view the Profile.


COVER LETTER: Create a flexible cover letter that is less than 100 words. Long cover letters rarely get read, but instead are ignored. Break the cover letter into four sections. Section 1 : Acknowledge the job that you are applying for such as "Looking forward to discussing your graphics design project". Section 2: Highlight your validations stamps IE skills that are brought to their project. Section 3 Explain how you will solve their problem and the final section request an Upwork Zoom call to discuss their project.


JOB SUBMISSIONS: Tips - Only apply to Jobs that you are highly qualified, don't Bid for the top 3 spots unless you are an exact match and have a high probability of getting the job, don't immediately apply for jobs, but instead wait at least a few hours so your bidding is more accurate, don't get into bidding wars because serious Clients will view most applicant's cover letters, don't apply for Jobs that have 20 - 50 applicants in less than 24 hours. If a Client gets 50 cover letters, there is only a 2% chance of being hired; bad odds. I set my freelancer sort to apply for jobs with less than 20 proposals.


OVER DELIVER: Always over-deliver based upon the Client's expectations. Do such outstanding work that the Client can't but help to give 5-Stars and a raving Review. Great Reviews have most Client's sold on hiring a Freelancer before even talking with them. I can't mention the number of Clients that started their interactions with me about how they couldn't wait to start working together on their project based upon my Reviews. After 320 Upwork Jobs, I have maintained 99% 5-Star Reviews and only 1% 4-Star Reviews which continues to draw in more clients.

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Yes, opportunities with good clients have dwindled, at least in some areas, including mine. There are too many unskilled freelancers throwing connects at besieged clients. With unlimited freelancers and unlimited connects, the clients are drowning in a sea of garbage proposals. The clients are finding me outside of Upwork, far more than on the platform. I believe the changes in the search engines and best match have resulted in confused and upset clients not being able to find the talent they need. 

I have been wondering for some time if the 100% JSS means anything. Why bother? I see plenty of freelancers with much lower JSS doing OK, so what's the point? Even with 100% JSS, I can't make someone hire. Between the 50+ proposals and the clients who never hire or hire the dirt-cheap freelancer, the choices for jobs are exceedingly small.

It’s the time to be creative and consider all of your options. Think outside of the box. Can you market yourself in a different way? Or use your skills in the physical world? It takes a lot of effort and connects to land jobs for many these days.

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It's not you Austen, decent opportunities around here are a pittance anymore in both quality and quantity.  The situation is compounded by boosting, and futher compounded by unlimited connects for boosting; neither of which address the core problem of too many freelancers submitting too many garbage proposals. 


Clients these days aren't any prize either.  I just lost my Top-Rated because I haven't earned enough this last year to qualify.  I just can't bring myself to endure the drain of sifting through endless garbage gigs for a pittance of $5.  I'd like to think things will get better but there doesn't seem to be a bottom; just new lows.

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Obligatory 100% JSS doesn't matter and won't sell you. Haven't been 100% since around 2017.

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