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Top-Rated Eligible weeks not increasing

Hello, there.


Yes, I'd like to know why my weeks for qualification for top-rated status haven't been increasing, despite meeting the qualifications


Yes, I was on my 15th week of the 16 weeks to qualify for the top-rated badge :japanese_symbol_for_beginner: on Upwork before I miss out on the qualification. The qualification weeks have been dropping back for the weeks I wasn't qualified till it got to the 6th week of the qualification weeks. 


After working on some jobs and getting nice ratings, I got back to 93% JSS and since then I've been maintaining the 93%.

It's now over 7 weeks having over 90% JSS and meeting all of the criteria but the weeks seem not to be increasing.🤔


Please, I'd like to know why this is happening.


Thanks in anticipation for your kind response.




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Joy,


To earn Top Rated status, you need to maintain Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score (JSS) of at least 90% for at least 13 of the last 16 weeks. The Top Rated Eligible Weeks metric keeps track of that progress looking at the last 16 weeks as a rolling window. 


This means that, if you've accumulated a block of non-eligible weeks in the past, you'll need to wait for those weeks to fall out of the calculation. When your count doesn't change, it is generally because an eligible week is falling out of the calculation while another is being included. Once non-eligible weeks start falling out of the calculation you'll see an increase in the count. Check out this help article to find a helpful chart explaining this process.




Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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510 REPLIES 510
Community Member

Hi Support team,


My Top Rated Eligible week is not increasing. please increase the top rated eligible week so i will get and earned again Top rated badge. because i have badge on my profile in past . please solve this problem ASAP. Thank You

Hi Naseem,


Thank you for reaching out to us. In order for the number of eligible weeks to increase, your non-eligible weeks will need to be "pushed out" of the past 16-weeks. Once this happens, the number of eligible weeks will start increasing, provided you meet the requirements. If an eligible week falls off of the calculation each week, the total number of eligible weeks won't increase. You can find more information here.


~ Nikola
Community Member

Hello, I was wondering if you could help me out with something. I'm wondering why I'm not being eligible for Rising Talent or why my weeks for Top Rated are not increasing? I've met all the qualifications yet I'm still at 0/16 weeks.  I started my first job Sept. 8th 2022 and have completed 50 jobs with 15 different clients and $3k earnings and a JSS of 100%. Thanks for looking into this for me.

Am yet to complete any project RISING TALENT but my stats was Top Rated eligible weeks

14 of 16  
I am also confused.
Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Derek and Hafeez,


To earn Top Rated status, you need to maintain Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score (JSS) of at least 90% for at least 13 of the last 16 weeks. The Top Rated Eligible Weeks metric keeps track of that progress by looking at the last 16 weeks as a rolling window. 


Simply put, if you've accumulated a block of non-eligible weeks in the past, you'll need to wait for those weeks to fall out of the calculation. When your count doesn't change, it is generally because an eligible week is falling out of the calculation while another is being included. Once non-eligible weeks start falling out of the calculation you'll see an increase in the count. Check out this help article to find a helpful chart explaining this process.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Thanks for the reply. Then what tasks are needed to be done about becoming Rising Talent? Again, I have 100% JSS, $3k+ earnings, and almost 50 contracts with 15 different clients and have been on the site over 90 days.

Community Member


A few days back I have one bad client who gave me a worst rating and I got job successful rate of 100% to 89% but then i find some more work and they gave me 5 stars this way i got my successful rate to 91% but i have not received my TOP RATED BADGE 

Please guide me what is the issue or how long do i have to wait to get that badge again


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Muhammad,


To earn Top Rated status, you need to maintain Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score (JSS) of at least 90% for at least 13 of the last 16 weeks. The Top Rated Eligible Weeks metric keeps track of that progress looking at the last 16 weeks as a rolling window. 


This means that, if you've accumulated a block of non-eligible weeks in the past, you'll need to wait for those weeks to fall out of the calculation. When your count doesn't change, it is generally because an eligible week is falling out of the calculation while another is being included. Once non-eligible weeks start falling out of the calculation you'll see an increase in the count. Check out this help article to find a helpful chart explaining this process.

~ AJ
Community Member

I had a dispute but (It's misunderstood even the client send me a bonus) the client left good feedback same as I but I want to ask if this feedback will not be appearing? what if I want to take get this feedback? 

Also in my stats I think I'll get when I reach 13 of 16 and after that the badge will be fixed and not removed anymore even if my JSS drop below 90%?



Hi Mostafa,


Thank you for reaching out to us. To maintain Top Rated status, you have to meet all these criteria: 


  • A current Job Success Score of 90% or higher
  • First project on Upwork was more than 90 days ago
  • Maintained Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score of at least 90% for at least 13 of the last 16 weeks
  • A 100% complete profile (90% for those who brought their profiles over from Elance)
  • 12-month earnings of at least $1,000
  • Up-to-date availability (if unavailable now, set a date estimate)
  • An account in good standing with no recent account holds
  • Activity on the platform (proposal, accepted invitation, or earnings) in the past 90 days

~ AJ

First of all I'm pretty aware of what you said and this's not my question!


I said after I get my Top-rated badge could be removed if my JSS drop under 90%?

Community Member

Hello, I'm keeping a watch on my top-rated eligible weeks, but they're not updating, despite the fact that I meet all of the criteria. Do we need to enable the availability badge and spend connects for it to begin updating?

Hi Shoaib,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.

~ Luiggi

I am Still waiting for your response!
Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Shoaib,


As mentioned by one of our Support Team members on this ticket, your issue has been escalated to our Technical Support Team for further review and assistance. They will surely be sending you a reply as soon as they received an update. Feel free to update the ticket if you have questions or need further assistance.


~ Arjay
Community Member

My eligible weeks is decreasing from 9 0f 16 to 5 of 16.
I want to know what is the issue/reason?

Hi Farman,


Thank you for your message. Eligible weeks are the ones where you had Rising Talent status or a Job Success Score at 90% or above. Every Saturday we remove the week 17 weeks ago from the calculation and add the most recent week. In order for the count to increase, you must be eligible this week, but not have been eligible 17 weeks ago. Because of the past 16 weeks, you still have the same total number of eligible ones as last time we checked. Check out this help page for more information.


Thank you,


Community Member

Hi Upwork Team,
Hope you're doing well. My eligible weeks was 9 of 16 but it is going to decrease on weekly and my current eligible weeks is 5 of 16.

So I want to know that what is the reason?


Hi Farman,


Please note that in order for the eligible weeks to increase, you would have to meet the eligibility requirements each new week while non-eligible weeks fall off the calculation. Please check the 'Calculating Top Rated Eligible Weeks' section of this help article for more information.

~ Luiggi

This confuses a lot of people, because new eligible weeks don't necessarily add to the total, since it's a rolling 16 weeks. 


Imagine your 16 weeks looked like this: 


E E E E E E E E N N N E N N N N 

So, you have 9 Es out of 16.


After two weeks, your two oldest weeks disappear. So, you have

E E E E E E N N N E N N N N plus whatever your two new weeks are.

If you're eligible, you get two new Es at the end and your total is exactly what it was to start--you got two new Es and lost two.

If you're not eligible, you lost two Es and gained two Ns, meaning that you're down to 7 out of 16 eligible weeks. 

Community Member


I Have keeping eye on my stats every day and today . But my

Top Rated eligible weeks  8 of 16 unchanged


Please let me know what is the reason behind it!!


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Pratishtha,


Thank you for reaching out to us. It looks like you've accumulated a block of non-eligible weeks in the past and you'll need to wait for those weeks to fall out of the calculation.


When your count doesn't change, it is generally because an eligible week is falling out of the calculation while another is being included. Once non-eligible weeks start falling out of the calculation you'll see an increase in the count. Check out this help article to find a helpful chart explaining this process.

~ AJ

Hello Annie thank you for your reply let me wait ..Regards

Hi Annie Jane B, 

I think I have the same problem, but my JSS is 100% for months and I don't see any changes in Top Rated Eligible Weeks. Could you please look at my account and say what's the problem?
I have been actively working on Upwork for 4 months with JSS 100% and still don't get Top Rated Badge.

Thank you in advance.  

Community Member

I have maintained 100% JSS this week as well. But my Top Rated eligible week hasn't increased. Can you please help me with this problem? 

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