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Top Rated still not getting invitations.

Hi, I am Top Rated freelancer but still not getting any invitation. Why? I got only 6 invites in the past three months . I checked from my client account some of the freelancers are getting tons of invites (hundreds of invites). Please let me know what's wrong with my profile?

Community Member

Your profile needs a lot of work. You should change your English fluency because you do not have native English speaking skills. You should hire someone to help you rewrite your profile summary .  The first paragraph doesn't make sense. Who is it addressed to?  It's generic and boring. Doesn't make you stand out to me and assure me that you're the best choice for the job. 

Thank you for your reply. I have seen some freelancer's profiles, they just have 10-12 lines of one paragraph in their profile. They don't have anything interesting in their profiles but stil getting more than 1000 of invites, why?

I will try to improve my profile too. But I have checked from my client account, my profile does not appear in the first 20-30 pages in search resul. If client can't find me on UpWork then how they can invite me for thier job?

Karan Kumar S wrote:

I will try to improve my profile too. But I have checked from my client account, my profile does not appear in the first 20-30 pages in search resul. If client can't find me on UpWork then how they can invite me for thier job?

The search results rotate freelancers. Just because you don't see yourself today does not mean you won't show up tomorrow. There are days I show up and days I don't. They try to give everyone a chance to show up in the searches hence why they rotate. 

I can tell you why I would not invite you if I was in the market for your skills:


  • You talk about "we" - this indicates a group of people working from one account which is an absolute "no-no" for me, as well as a violation of Upwork's terms of service
  • Your profile rate is $ 40 and all your work is between $ 3 and $ 11. The clients who search for more expensive freelancers will find you, but not hire you when they see that you have inflated your profile rate so ridiculously. The clients who are looking for freelancers in your real price range won't find you because they filter out freelancers with a higher profile rate.
  • Your English is nowhere near what you claim. As you are not trying to be a writer, that doesn't matter so much, but any client can see that the "native" is not true. When clients notice one lie on your profile, they no longer trust anything else on it.
  • As Amanda pointed out, your profile overview is really badly written and littered with mistakes. It's painful to read.

Fix your profile, fix your profile rate to reflect your real rate, fix your claimed English level, and see if your invites improve.

Community Member

Sock it to him Petra!

And for you young man, a shirt and tie, with a smile, and a new profile photo (and someone to crop it right) will make you a believable business person.

(Who the heck gets thousands of invites?)

Thanks Jim for your reply. 

Community Member

Jim G wrote:

(Who the heck gets thousands of invites?)

I got about 20 invites in the past 7 days, which is definitely a record for me. It's been up for me for a while, but I'm used to about 1 a day on average, so either my algo is up, my new profile pic is helping, or it's just become obvious to the universe that I'm awesome. LOL. 

Seriously though, invites are without rhyme and reason, IMO. 

Amanda L wrote:

Jim G wrote:

(Who the heck gets thousands of invites?)

I got about 20 invites in the past 7 days, which is definitely a record for me. It's been up for me for a while, but I'm used to about 1 a day on average, so either my algo is up, my new profile pic is helping, or it's just become obvious to the universe that I'm awesome. LOL. 

Seriously though, invites are without rhyme and reason, IMO. 

Hi Amanda. I have a slightly off-topic question which I hope you don't mind my asking you: Should a successful freelancer rely entirely on unsolicited invites, or do they still reply to job ads, or is it a mixture of both? A lot of the clients who post ads for jobs seem to be hoping for a rummage in the bargain bin, as it were, judging by the terms they offer.


The other day I saw an ad for 1200-word articles to be written for $1 apiece. Just in case the incredulous freelancer might think it was a typo in the headline, the client repeats it in the body text, and also warns that the work will require research and will be checked for plagiarism. I start to lose the will to live when I read stuff like that.

Hello, Petra. Hope you are well.  I really loved about how you pointed out some wrong things about his profile.  I have same case as his. Almost no work and no invitation for the last 3-4 months. I don't have doubt about my work experience and skills but I have doubt about my whole profile. I just feel, clients visit my profile and they somehow don't feel any interested. But I can't understand which is the point.  Can you please help me to tell me some bad points about my profile? so, I can improve? I also thinking to hire a writers for it.


Best Regards,


Zahidul Islam

Zahidul I wrote:

Hello, Petra. Hope you are well.  I really loved about how you pointed out some wrong things about his profile.  I have same case as his. Almost no work and no invitation for the last 3-4 months. I don't have doubt about my work experience and skills but I have doubt about my whole profile. I just feel, clients visit my profile and they somehow don't feel any interested. But I can't understand which is the point.  Can you please help me to tell me some bad points about my profile? so, I can improve? I also thinking to hire a writers for it.


Best Regards,


Just going to cut and paste what I just said to someone else about their profile: 


Your profile is really generic and kind of says the same thing over and over. Your headline says what you do, but then you repeat the same information in bullet points. 


What do you do that's different than everyone else? Why should I hire you versus someone else? What do you bring to the table that no other person in your field does? Why are you the expert that I need?


The litmus I use is: if I can substitute anyone else's name on your profile and it's still legit, then it's not unique enough to sell you above the rest. Your profile needs to make you stand out. If it says the same thing every other data entry person says, then you're just the same as the next person. What can you offer that others cannot? What skills do you have that others do not? 


Focus on what makes you better than the rest and sets you apart while also focusing on what you can do for the client (versus just talking about yourself). Think of it as a business ad, not a personal bio. 


Hope this helps. 

What you recommend for this Profile

I am also not getting invitations on my profile. Please review my profile and help me asap.

Same Happens for me Harmanpreet try Updating your profile so something that makes you unique on Upwork and invitations will start falling in your Account.

Community Member

Same thing is happening to me right now, my profile views and invites has really gone done a lot. Any assistance on this will be greatly appreciated.


Community Member

Strange situation for me as well ) 
100% JSS for years, 75% long-term customers.
I got something like 3-4 invites for the past 3-4 months.
I`m usually paid based on my hourly rate, 5 stars, etc.
I did some research and can state, that my profile is inside the statistic average level for my niche.
For me, it just looks like the policy of the connect gambling )

At client side also talent is not matching due to algorithm...might possible many client are required your talent but algorithm not suggest your profile and client couldn't able to find you

Community Member

I'm not getting any invitations - ZERO - and I've been top-rated for years now; recently became top-rated plus, but no assistance so far. Can someone help or at least explain what's happening?

Community Member

Hello Upwoirk Team,

I am also a Top Rated freelancer with a 100% JSS, yet I haven't received any job invitations. I regularly update my profile and actively apply for jobs. Can you help me understand what might be wrong with my profile?

Hussnain Anjum

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