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Unfair client feedback



I got into a payment dispute with a client, Upwork ruled in my favor and he paid me but he left feedback stating that I am a scammer and I will steal clients' money.  I have just discovered the feedback so the time for me to respond to the feedback has elapsed.  How do I respond to the feedback on my profile now?

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What prevented you from seing/discovering the feedback sooner?

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I was so drained after that whole issue, I gave myself a break from the platform for a while.

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I don't think you can still respond to the client's feedback, it was from almost a year ago. At this point you can do nothing but try to get more jobs with better feedback. 

Thank you.

Community Member

Did you leave an honest feedback on your buyer?  

I chose not to write any feedback for him because I was not happy with the way he treated me.

Community Member

Hey Maureen,


I agree with Martina, Nothing can be done now. Work hard to get more jobs with good reviews and this one will become less relevant. Just move forward and do your best. We have seen many recover from such reviews, it takes time and effort now.


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Don't get dishearted! Keep up the good work!


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How much was the job for? I wonder, if she gave him a refund now (may be its to late to do so), would the feedback fall off?

Too late for refund.

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Darn, well, time to move forward, go out there and get good clients, also please look at the client history. I see that the client had mostly left subpar reviews for most of the freelancers who he hired.

Community Member

Thanks for the clarification. 

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