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Unpaid job

I just completed my job and my client has refused to pay me, and has just ended the contract, what should I do?

Community Member

You have one job with earnings. Is it an other job?

Community Member

Was this an hourly job or fixed price? If it was hourly, did you log your time with the tracker?


Since your profile says you do crypto stuff, were you buying crypto for the client?

Community Member

The client in question has spent £1,300 on the site, and has been here less than 24 hours. His jobs are for a "trader cryptocurrency expert". I think I know where this is going.


I saw that, but the earnings left did not match. Unless he refunded?

Community Member

Yes, there's an inconsistency there. The money must have been refunded. That would mean he netted $1,200 for his trouble, which all came out of the pocket of the freelancer he hired.

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