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🥇 Unveiling My Upwork Success Story: $10M Milestone Achieved! Let's Elevate Each Other's Journey!



Embarking on this journey, I first shared my insights within the newbie group, extending a helping hand to those just starting out. Today, I'm thrilled to delve deeper into the intricacies of freelancing, ready to assist my peers in overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities.


For over a decade, I've been immersed in the world of Upwork, tracing back to its earlier iterations as oDesk and Elance. Despite being a silent observer on the forums, I've recognized the immense value in actively engaging and sharing knowledge.


I invite you to pose your inquiries, knowing that I'm here to offer guidance and support. But before you do, here's a glimpse into my journey:



Embarking on this journey, I first shared my insights within the newbie group, extending a helping hand to those just starting out. Today, I'm thrilled to delve deeper into the intricacies of freelancing, ready to assist my peers in overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities.


For over a decade, I've been immersed in the world of Upwork, tracing back to its earlier iterations as oDesk and Elance. Despite being a silent observer on the forums, I've recognized the immense value in actively engaging and sharing knowledge.


I invite you to pose your inquiries, knowing that I'm here to offer guidance and support. But before you do, here's a glimpse into my journey:

👉Proud Holder of the Top Rated Plus Badge for the Past 3 Consecutive Years at Upwork 

👉Over $10 Million Earned on Upwork and other Freelance Platforms

👉Successfully Completed 8000+ Jobs Across Various Freelance Platforms

👉Established Meaningful Collaborations with Over 1,000+ Clients

👉 Invested Over 50,000+ Hours Crafting Solutions for Clients

👉Garnered 950+ Glowing 5-Star Reviews


With gratitude for your consideration, let's embark on a collaborative journey toward greater success and fulfillment in freelancing.

Warm Regards,

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


Several comments have been removed or edited because they violated the Community Guidelines and this thread has now been closed. We are grateful for the open dialogue our community members engage in here. We want to remind everyone that the Upwork Community is a professional forum and encourage everyone to provide feedback constructively. Remember that when posting comments that specifically identify or address an individual, you refer to an actual person. Please keep the feedback coming and remember, we are a community of professionals. We appreciate the passion, but we should all take care to use a professional, respectful approach when posting in the forums.

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123 REPLIES 123


As of today he is charging $50 instead of $21!


Man people on this forum are not stupid.

They always forget to do the math before becoming an internet guru poseur. 

I guess we are supposed to forget what it was and not notice the huge increase? And we know why. I'm still waiting for answers that will never be forthcoming.


The rate is mentioned in several posts, including one that took up the offer to see the earnings. The offer was not produced.  Oh dear, can't hide those posts.


Man people on this forum are not stupid.


No, they are not, but some are new and inexperienced, some are naive, some are incredibly gullible, and some prefer to follow the pretty promises.



My rate change isn't intended for you guys.
As with many professionals, I adjust my rates based on client's conversations.


By the way, I shared this post as a means of celebrating with the community and expressing my willingness to assist those striving for success. It's been encouraging to connect with individuals seeking guidance. However, I've noticed that some of the messages from seasoned members here haven't been as constructive as I'd hoped, and I'm unsure why that is.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member


I am clueless about my freelancing career, I also want to earn some money (hundreds will do) by offering my services but no strategy has been working for me recently.
Please, share any other freelance platforms you might have used to accumulate the $10M wealth. I assume you made ~$9M on Upwork, because this is an awesome platform connecting the elite, but..  how about the other $1M? 

Upwork has become a great place for "Clueless" freelancers. 


Welcome to the platform!

I am in "the same platform", on the same sinking boat. 
I seriously need a clue on whether there exists any alternative...

Community Member

Dear Anna,

I don't view this situation as a sinking boat. How about we schedule a session where I can share some tips on how I've been effectively managing my workload on the same platform?

and no charges for the session. Replied in advance 🙂

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Why so negative Dale?

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

The platform has literally become overrun with scammers, bots, and unqualified freelancers that don't know how to fill out their profile. 

Community Member

I believe that you can enlighten those with your qualification.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Hello Anna,

Let me try to offer a positive perspective amidst any negativity you may be experiencing.

Could you please share some of the strategies you've employed in the past, along with the duration and effort you invested in them? This will help me tailor my response more effectively to your situation.

Feel free to share your insights via private message, if you don't want to discolse.

Regarding mentioning other freelance platforms in the Upwork community, I'm uncertain about their admissibility. However, apart from Upwork, the platform through which I've generated the most income is LinkedIn, which isn't considered a freelance platform. P.S. direct clients through my own website.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member


For those seeking valuable insights and guidance, I have a compelling example to share. Attached are two screenshots showcasing the journey with just one of my clients.

I was first hired by this client back in 2008 through Elance, later transitioning to Upwork after the merger of Elance and Odesk. Initially, he entrusted me with over 20 projects. Over time, our collaboration evolved, and I successfully completed multiple user research and interaction designs for his clients.
Starting at $55 per hour in 2008, we renegotiated our agreement after six years. Despite reducing my hourly rate to $33 in 2016, he assured me of consistent work, cementing a lasting partnership.

The second screenshot demonstrates my recent engagement with this client. Just last week, I completed tasks for him, and starting tomorrow, I have another 30 hours of work lined up over the next three days. If anyone wishes to dig deeper into this success story, I invite you to book a free session, where I can provide a walkthrough directly from my Upwork profile.

and this is just one example of
one client from
one platform

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)

You are digging the hole deeper. The screenshots are not proof of anything. It does not show any journey, or explain any of your claims. You started at $55.00, then did something wrong, because you had to lower your rate or you were so desperate you took it anyway. That means nothing.


Your rate when you posted was $21.00 per hour. When you were called on the math, suddenly you changed your rate to $55.00 per hour.


You have done nothing to prove anything you have said. You posted that you would show your earnings when everyone called you out, and you post nonsense. Why would anyone listen to anything you say, when you hide your earnings, then say you will reveal them, and don't do it?


Starting at $55 per hour in 2008, we renegotiated our agreement after six years. Despite reducing my hourly rate to $33 in 2016, he assured me of consistent work, cementing a lasting partnership.

You reduced your rate by whopping 40% after 8 years, and you're calling this a success story? I also have lasting partnerships with my clients, but they value my work and pay me more each year, not less. I've never once had to drastically reduce my price in order to retain a client. 


It's actually a huge red flag when a client says, "If you charge me a low rate, I'll give you steady work." My advice to new freelancers is that you should avoid such clients.

I'm not sure why the OP is even arguing at this point.


And this is the first time I've heard someone devalue themselves over the years. haha

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Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 6.38.53 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-02-14 at 6.42.35 AM.png

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)

I'm sure you think this proves something, but it proves nothing. You refuse to answer simple, sincere questions, and you do not honor your word. You made clear statements, and you refuse to follow through. If this is not deception and evasion, what do you call it?

Community Member

For me, it wouldn't have seemed so deceptive if he didn't start out by making it look like he made $10 Million Dollars on Upwork, it's not until you get to the bottom of his post does he mention the "other" platforms.  So yeah, that's a hard NO.


For me, it wouldn't have seemed so deceptive if he didn't start out by making it look like he made $10 Million Dollars on Upwork, it's not until you get to the bottom of his post does he mention the "other" platforms.  So yeah, that's a hard NO.

The quick switch in hourly rate was LOL when ooopsie he forgot to do the math.

I never saw any motive to lie so yes clarly mention the truth Upwork and others. I also mentioned in one of my comment about LI and my website as well.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)

You said you would show your earnings. You do not keep your word.

Community Member

OP:  the only way you can gain some credibility is to unhide your earnings.  You have to show your stuff for people to buy.

Well no thanks.
I don't need credibility 🙂

If Upwork offers an option to hide my earnings, I use it and already mentioned the reason.
Thanks for your time.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

But come on...


Zulqarnain Awrote:

However, if you guys wanted to see just let me know and I will unhide for a day.

Even on the same thread you can't be trusted.


And why won't you help me with my question above about the post made by one of your "audience".

Good to know, you refuse to honor your word. I do hope everyone realizes you made a statement that you would show your earnings upon request, and now that you are caught in deception, you refuse.


Yes, you do need credibility, and you have none. You broke your word - do you know what that makes you? Why would anyone, even the new and inexperienced, believe and follow you now?

The experienced and knowledgeable and HELPFUL freelancers, spotted you for what you are the second you posted, and are proven correct by your continued deceptions. You posted a bunch of deceptions/fantasies etc. to garner your followers. You used the same template as others in a group, that also never posts their earnings.


You are hiding your earnings, after stating you would show them. It's not Upwork. It's you. No one should believe a word you say. Not only do you have no facts, offer zero help, and want to collect those who are impressed by illusions, your word is meaningless, and you are not to be trusted.

Are you requesting it now?

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Hi,i'm batul from syria,18 years old...i want to work here as a translator(English to Arabic or the other way round)..so i hope i can do it because i'm a beginner,thank you !:)   +i hope to find someone helpes me here to know how to work here❤️

If you want to work here, why have you not read the rules or done anything to prepare? Your profile is completely empty.


If you are a beginner translator, it is going to be crucial that you have excellent skills. There are many thousands of translators with excellent skills. Client will not accept less than perfect work. Also, to translate, you need to be a native or bilingual speaker in the language you are translating to, so you are native or bilingual in both English and Arabic?


Before you do anything, go up to the top of the page, and click on the Academy link. It will take you to the Upwork basic resources you need before you are scammed and lose everything. You have to protect yourself by learning and following Upwork rules. Follow Upwork rules, and learn how to be safe.

Community Member

Hi Batul,

Welcome to the community. I personally don't know if there are projects for English to Arabic translator at Upwork or not. But you can find many good threads explaining how Upwork works. Jeanne already provided some good insights, you must check Academy links and Upwork detailed articles. You haven't unlocked your Academy badges yet, please unlock those and learn from it.

If you still feel a need of some guidance, I can provide you a 30 minutes mentorship session.

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)

I had shared for day. 😊

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

In my short breaks from spending casino chips to play upw. roulette, I can't stop thinking about the ways one can make 10 million dollars on freelance platforms. I consider myself intelligent to a certain extend but I have never managed to earn that much. The maximum could be 1 million in 10 years if one works 40 hours per week (50$ per hour).  Ok, there are other platforms or fixed-price projects but these fixed-price projects are not something you buy from Aliexpress and resell for a profit. You need to sit, spend another 40+ hours or more working.. Professional UX and even UI designers start from scratch, spend time researching, experimenting, communicating; deliverables are custom-crafted and not automated. 

I can understand the hard working strategist who can advise me on how to be more successful and earn that 1 million (although, sadly, non-native speakers, not US-based .. even in the good old days of Upwork, would not be able to make it to $50 per hour), but how about the other 9 million dollars? 

The frustration comes from the fact that while hard-working people with high working ethos feel "clueless" with Upwork entering the Gold Rush Era, the voice of the millionaire sounds a bit fake. Or maybe just sponsored from the Gold mine owner... 😞

Community Member


What I shared was one client in one platform. Even that one client hired me at Upwork many times and this current contract is ongoing now. I repeatidely mention that there are many clients here and I am in many platforms. Also LinkedIn and Direct sales from my website plays a vital role in total earing.  

I am not sure is $10M earning over 2 dacade is so much OR no one else ever achieved it? 

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Community Member

Yes,  it is highly improbable for an individual to achieve that simply because if you earn money by working, you don't have that much time. Very simple math. If you have a company, OR, if you ARE Upwork, that's fine, congrats for productivity!

Community Member

Now here is a message where I can give you the insights.

1. It is achievable by hardwork(continuously learning and implementing new advancements in your projects) and smartwork (recognizing the value of your work and showcasing it to clients).

Two years ago, I was hired for a project at just $250 (fixed price) to create LoFi wireframes for a fundraising gynacologists app. After completing the initial task, I went above and beyond by researching and presenting a detailed mind map of potential screens and user interactions. I had identified the user types like fund raisers, funders, guest users, they were able to chat so chat room creation, self messages, other messages, smaping, flag (msgs, profiles, rooms), screens for admins, super admins and it there were more than 500 screens identified so I submitted that unfinished work to my client that this research is what I think your app should be if you like it then we can discuss it otherwise current submission is already done. We had 2 meeting in a week time and client hired me on hourly basis and I got that project for $40000. Let me clarify one thing, it wont happened evereytime but it happened oftenly and this is a one tip where I always try to keep building opportunities when client either has a limited vision or may be showing a limited vision based on it's believe that it can be done later with other teams.You have to highlight the the bigger version of the provided one and demonstrating your capabilities to clients that you can do it in both quantitative and qualitiative way speadily. It will not only change the project size and price at once also convert into repeat client and referral.

2. No I am not Upwork otherwise the amount which I had recieved in 2 dacade might be achievable in few months lolz. While I appreciate Upwork for certain aspects, there are some processes that I find less freelancer-friendly, as it seems to lean more towards favoring clients.


Just some food for thought!

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)


I am not sure is $10M earning over 2 dacade is so much OR no one else ever achieved it? 

People have achieved it, but not at your hourly rate. I've been freelancing full-time for over 20 years - over various websites and with multiple sources of income - charging more than triple your rate, and I haven't made anywhere close to $10 million. $10 million over 2 decades is $500,000 per year or $9,615/week. Since you charge an average $25/hour (and often much less than that), you would have to work more than 384 hours/week, every single week. Is that what you're claiming? If so, then I'd definitely like to know what your secret is.

Community Member

As I mentioned above, people like you have existed since ancient times and they will succeed when they connect with the 'right audience'.


During the early days of internet in my country, there was a woman (under 30) who was highly successful with her internet marketing and mentoring business. She (and her "team") offered numerous internet services, from standard ones to pyramid schemes. She hosted many real meetups and seminars. She founded a few real companies as well. I can say everyone who used the internet at that time (in my country) knew her name. You and your mentor site profile is nothing compared to her.


[...] it's like when yesterday someone here tries to convince people about their great profile on some mentoring site you only heard from that person at that time, no.


What I wanted to say is, some people including me, simply were not buying it. For various reasons. For me, I can see in detail what she did, but I don't want to be like her because it makes me sick. I'd rather use my skills to do something else that I'm comfortable with.


Confronting her was useless because she has tons of defenders (the 'prompt engineers' in this thread are nothing) and she also has a great "bickering" skills.


Right now she's completely gone. Probably married and live a happy family with lots of $$ in her bank account. 



I know you're only looking for your "right" audience, but don't start telling people not to respond because this is a public forum.


And a simple thing you're still avoiding is how "untrustable" you are, for contradicting posts even in the the same thread.

Community Member

I still don't get the meaning of this thread.


You wanna help people? Fine, just look around the forum and you will find dozens of poor souls seeking help every day.


This whole thing about keeping your earnings private and offering 1:1 consultation private sessions completely lacks transparency. Why don't you help people publicly and under the sun, so you can reach more of them?


And last but not least, if you are wondering about the reasons for the "negativity" you received from many peers, the answer is simple: there was no need to brag about your "$10M Milestone" and other eye-popping achievements (especially when they are not backed up by evidence). It is a lack of humbleness perceived as inappropriate and uncalled for.


On the other hand, there are fantastic contributors on this forum who greatly help people every day, publicly and selflessly, and never persuade others they are credible by saying "look at my earnings". They simply (and concretely) reply to people seeking help without feeling the need to create their own advertising thread. 

Community Member

Thanks Elisa,

Atleast your choice of words are great and not taunting. So let me respond you positively.
Just to clarify, I've been helping people over a dacade, not starting. I have done a lot and past in many forums and doing it as well. I just started using Upwork community for this purpose.

Regarding hiring earnings: I had repeatidely mention that if Upwork provided an option to hide earning for whatever reason and I shared me reason too so it's freelancers choice to hide but still I am with my suggestion you have to ask for a day and it will be properly annouce that I will unhide for a day. Till now, I haven't see any such request so I believe that some people here don't want to see it but just enjoying with words.

I had answered to this sentence about rasons, that primary purpose was to celebrate and I am more convinced that it attracted many, based on the increase of free mentorship sessions. They all saw it and I offer you as well.

I admire all those contributors in this forum who help people and I actually admire many who are opposing here but still wherever they are adding value I openly like rather opposing.

So the main issue with others is advertising right?

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)

ok, let's see the earnings then (second request)...

Shared for a day

Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
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