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Upwork Inactivity Impact on JSS

I'm curious about the potential impact on my JSS if I don't visit Upwork for an extended period, say a year or two, with no active contracts and my availability badge turned off. For example, I receive invites, messages, or offers from past clients during this time, but can't respond promptly due to certain circumstances.


Hi Ivan,


Inactivity can impact your JSS. Your Job Success score is updated every two weeks, and it's important to note that any movement in this score (either up or down) reflects both recent activity and activity over a longer period of time. Because we look at trends over a 24-month period, you can see your score change, even without recently closed contracts, due to past jobs slipping out of the 24-month window. 


You can check When is my JSS calculated? under the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of this article to learn more. 

~ Luiggi
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