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Muhammad Tariq's avatar
Muhammad Tariq S Community Member

Why did my JSS decrease?

Job success score on Upwork drastically decreased from 100% to 60%


I am worried about my job success score on Upwork. It has drastically decreased from 100% to 60%, even though I have not received any negative reviews or cancellations on my profile. I am putting in my best efforts and maintaining my quality of service. Please review my profile and check if there are any miscalculations.


Recently, I ended two contracts myself because both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them. I am concerned that this may have affected my job success score. One of the contracts was fixed price, and the other was hourly. Since the latter was inactive for a long time, I ended it and marked it as completed. Both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them.


Could you please fix this issue and let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve my job success score?

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame
~ Luiggi

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Rimsha's avatar
Rimsha A Community Member


Dear Upwork Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Rimsha Arshad, and I am an active and Top-rated freelancer on the Upwork platform. Recently, I encountered a situation that has significantly impacted my Job Success Score (JSS), and I am seeking clarification and resolution.


  • In February, I assisted a client who believed there was an issue with their Manychat account as I'm Manychat Expert.
  • After thorough investigation during our meeting, I discovered that the issue actually stemmed from their Facebook account, which required support from Facebook directly.
  • I provided a detailed explanation to the client, along with my sincere apologies, and advised them to open a support ticket with Facebook.
  • The client was cooperative and understanding throughout the process. She inquired about my consultation fee, paid $50 for half an hour, but did not end the job.

Recent Development:

  • In April, I proactively reached out to the same client, requesting the closure of our contract and encouraging them to leave positive feedback if satisfied.
  • To my surprise, my Job Success Score decreased by 6% shortly after a client left a 4.2 rating even though it wasn't my fault.
  • Despite my diligent efforts and commitment to maintaining a top-rated status, this decline was unwarranted and detrimental to my profile.

Request for Review:

  • I kindly request a review of this situation. It is crucial that my JSS accurately reflects my performance and dedication.
  • I believe in fairness and transparency, and I trust that Upwork will consider the context and merits of my case.

Hard Work and Commitment:

  • As a freelancer, I have invested countless hours and unwavering effort to provide exceptional service to my clients.
  • Upholding my reputation and ensuring client satisfaction are my top priorities.

Appeal for Justice:

  • I implore Upwork to reevaluate my JSS and rectify any inaccuracies.
  • Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I eagerly await your response and remain committed to delivering outstanding work within the Upwork community.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Best regards,

Rimsha Arshad 


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

I will save your time: forgot. Upwork won't care about that. But if you want long useless discuss with bots then go ahead.

Few things: 

Encouraging to leave positive feedback - it is ToS violation also will lead to negative feedback. Never do that.

Edited feedback wont rollback your JSS. Even you succeed and force client to 5 stars it will change nothing.


Rimsha's avatar
Rimsha A Community Member

Thank you for your valuable tips. What should I do now? It wasn't my fault, but it still had a negative impact on my profile.

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

You can use your Toprated perk to remove feedback. No other ways.

Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

Hi support,




I only have 5 stars feedbacks on my proflile for  3-, 6-, 12- and 24-month contracts history.

But  my JSS still displayed as 67%!



Also maybe my client with contract id 34662367 filled wrong private feedback rating, and he told me that he set 5 stars too.

anyway, if my JSS was updated to 67% with $200 contract, can you please remove private feedback and update my JSS. You can check all my messages with client.


cause its nightmare have 4000+ hours ($100k+ earnings) here with positive feedbacks and now JSS is 67%(


please help asap


Thank you so much, support!

Its very important for me at this moment!



Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

Friends, this is not serious!
This is the second absurd situation, because of the first I had to write to CEO on Twitter, etc. to speed up the process.
I want to work and I have been with you since 2007, but I am completely disappointed now.

see a lot of new accounts with 100+ hours and 1 star feedbacks has Top Rated badge and 99% JSS. Absurd.


Please manually update my JSS or at least remove it if you do not want investigate this situation.


thanks again!!

Khushbu's avatar
Khushbu G Community Member

1 star feedback have top rated 🤔 how?

Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

Screenshot attached

client said he left 5 stars private feedback too!!

so what is going on here, guys??

And why not allow adding .jpeg files here too, any screenshot its .jpeg not .jpg

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

5 stars private is terrible feedback. It is 5 from 10. 

Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

Mykola, he means 5/5 stars rating as my public feedback. Please check.


in the messages he said that he gave the highest rating (it doesn’t matter 5 out of 5 or 10 out of 10), if the client is dishonest or makes a mistake why should I pay for this?? Mean my rating and reputation.


I attached all screenshots, please investigate.

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Yep, i saw that. But private feedback is 10 stars. So good private must be 10\10.

Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

Thanks for response.

if you understand the context, he said 10/10. he also said that he would edit anything.

again, you can simply remove it and update my JSS.


James's avatar
James S Community Member

Big problem with "private feedback" is it is rather devious to say the least. If a client [or freelancer] did something atrocious to instigate negative "private" feedback it should at least be presented to the victim for comments.

I have no clue what is in "private' feedback in my jobs.

As for me, if I have an issue with a client, I will not go to the gossip column to state my case.


Also, that "time frame" mentioned too is not equitable. Are we to believe someone who has big star ratings, awesome reviews over and over three years ago is somehow incompetent today?

That is what is insinuated. My score went down only because;

UPWORK FAVOURS THE HOBBYISTS and lowball bidders. 


Rather than promoting the overspending promtion called "boosting" why not automatically place at a higher "boost" those with "top rated"?

While I am all for giving a chance to newbies they have to "pay their dues" as all the successful ones have done.

Yeh, I did some low, lowball jobs at first even after having over 15 years' proven experience in my field.

One cannot pick up a guitar and a few weeks later wriggle out Carlos Santana and Mason Williams as lead guitar.

Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

to summarize, I don’t want anything extra, I just want to work and be fair and understand where I’m spending my connections. I don’t want to waste time trying to reach management, this is far from the level for such a company. I still hope for determination and help in this situation, and not constant spokes in the wheels.

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Evgeniy,


We won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. Factors such as private and public feedback, the dollar weight of the projects you've completed, and the long-term relationships with your clients can have an impact on your overall score. In addition, private feedback can't be modified; feedback represents the user's opinion, and because of this, we can't edit it or investigate it for accuracy. You can find more information on how your JSS is calculated here
~ Luiggi
Evgeniy's avatar
Evgeniy T Community Member

I understand that all “support” is needed here for is to transfer messages to other topics, pay $30k in commissions and such an attitude is unacceptable. ok, let's continue on Twitter with the bosses, I'm just for the truth and against this attitude towards the people on whom your salary depends, it's terrible, but it's okay, we'll fight


and all the words about “guaranteed payment” and the ability to request removal of a review are just beautiful words

Zubair's avatar
Zubair A Community Member

The client gave me feedback Why my job success did not increase

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

It is slow. An 2-4 weeks.

Zubair's avatar
Zubair A Community Member


Matthew's avatar
Matthew D Community Member


Hope you are well.


My success score is at 50% when I have only received 5 Star reviews.

Please can someone fix this!

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Matthew, 


I'm sorry to learn about your current score. I'm afraid we can't comment on someone's score or how specific contracts affect it; many factors are considered when calculating your JSS aside from the public feedback you received from the clients, such as private feedback, the dollar weight of those projects, when the feedback was received, etc. You can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.

~ Luiggi
Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad O Community Member

When I ended my last contract my JSS Automatically fell from 87% to 63% even before my Client gave feedback.
I asked my last client to give me feedback.
The score did not even changed even After getting postive feedback please help me.

James's avatar
James S Community Member

Similar to mine. For ages I was at 100% then for no reason it dropped. My reviews were almost always 5-star.

What I found to be rather surprising, I looked at a profile of another freelancer. This one had many low star ratings, several in the 3's...only 14 jobs total with earnings of <9K. Yet, this one had a 100% "success" score.

Perhaps we can speculate the Upwork method is to keep the hobbyists and low-fi score "talent" at the top since they are the ones who are most likely to dump a pile of "connects" into the job bids.

Just a thought.

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad O Community Member

Hi James,
That is very unfortunate that it is happening like this.

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