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Muhammad Tariq's avatar
Muhammad Tariq S Community Member

Why did my JSS decrease?

Job success score on Upwork drastically decreased from 100% to 60%


I am worried about my job success score on Upwork. It has drastically decreased from 100% to 60%, even though I have not received any negative reviews or cancellations on my profile. I am putting in my best efforts and maintaining my quality of service. Please review my profile and check if there are any miscalculations.


Recently, I ended two contracts myself because both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them. I am concerned that this may have affected my job success score. One of the contracts was fixed price, and the other was hourly. Since the latter was inactive for a long time, I ended it and marked it as completed. Both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them.


Could you please fix this issue and let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve my job success score?

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame
~ Luiggi

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498 REPLIES 498
Afshan's avatar
Afshan M Community Member

Hi Team Upwork and Community,

A few days ago I recieved a short project deal from a client worth of $20 only, I accepted and deliver the work confidently but somehow, client didn't respond me and closed the contract with bad review. I contacted him and discussed about the issue, he cooperated with me but asked for refund, I provided him the refund so there is nothing that we did wrong but still my JSS is at 88, can you please check and suggest me the best practices to improve this as I'm not able to get any contract due to low JSS.


Looking forward to your feedbacks and suggestions. Thanks 

Afshan's avatar
Afshan M Community Member

@ Upwork Community

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad S Community Member

I'm writing to the Upwork community to inquire about an issue I'm experiencing. I used to have a perfect JSS of 100, but it dropped to 92 after receiving a negative review from a client. Since then, I've been working hard to raise it back to 100. While I've gotten several positive 5 star reviews including three recently, my JSS has only increased by 1%. Additionally, even though I haven't received any negative reviews recently, a client left me a 3.9-star review, and my JSS dropped to 93 again. I'm confused as to why my JSS seems to decrease so quickly compared to how slowly it increases, even with mostly positive feedback.


Owolabi's avatar
Owolabi T Community Member

Well based on my little experience, this is what I can give out

  1. Weight of Recent Feedback: Recently completed contracts tend to have a greater impact on your JSS compared to older contracts. A single negative or mediocre review can significantly affect your score, especially if it's recent.

  2. Broad Metrics: JSS is calculated based on various factors, not just visible star ratings. This includes private feedback that clients provide to Upwork, the value and duration of the contracts, and whether contracts are completed or left idle.

  3. Recent Versus Historical Performance: Upwork tends to value your most recent projects more heavily than older ones. Therefore, a recent 3.9-star review might have a larger impact than several older 5-star reviews.

  4. Contract Mix: Large contracts might impact your score differently compared to smaller ones. If the 3.9-star review came from a substantial contract, it might have a more significant effect.

I hope this give some solution to your question Muhammad S

Owolabi Taiwo.

Marko's avatar
Marko B Community Member

Yesterday I ended a contract with a client who was unresponsive for over a month and wouldn't end the contract himself.


The very next day my JSS dropped. The contract was the only thing that could affect my rating as I had no other ended contracts in the past 2 weeks. 


Why does a contract with no feedback negatively affect my JSS?

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Marko,


A lack of feedback is not considered an outcome and, as a result, doesn't impact your Job Success Score. Your JSS can change because:
- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Luiggi
Charlotte's avatar
Charlotte H Community Member

Hi everyone,


I am relatively new to Upwork. I have 7 feedbacks, 6 of them are 5* and then one is 4.45. 

However, my JSS score has dropped to 80% and I don't know why. I unfortunately had a very difficult client recently, and she cancelled the contract asking for a refund without explanation, even though I completed nearly the whole job already. As she was refunded she couldn't give me public feedback, so I assume the score has been affected due to her private feedback? So my questions are:

1. I cannot see her private feedback, so I'm guessing there isn't a way to dispute it?

2. Would there be any other reason for the decrease? 

3. What can I do to boost this back up quickly? 


Any advice would be much appreciated.



Pravesh's avatar
Pravesh K Community Member

Till now, I have received ratings/reviews from 13 clients. Twelve have given me a 5-star rating, and one client gave me a 4.85-star rating. As a result, my JSS dropped from 100% to 92%. I then asked the client to change the rating since he was satisfied with my work, and he changed the rating from 4.85 to 5 stars two weeks ago. However, my JSS is still showing as 92%. Please correct this. Thanks.

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Pravesh,


I’m sorry to hear about the change in your score.

Your JSS can change because:
- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how your score is calculated here.
~ Joanne
Pravesh's avatar
Pravesh K Community Member

I am saying that the client who gave me a 4.85 star rating had changed the rating to 5 star, 2 weeks ago. But till now my JSS has not been updated. Kindly update my JSS. You are just sending a random reply and articles on JSS, which I have already read. This is not the response I expected from upwork support. What  is the benefit of support team, if you sending general replies to everyone? My query is as the client has changed the rating, then why my JSS is still not updated? 


Secondly, the client has given me 4.85 star rating and because of that my JSS has dropped from 100 to 92. I do not think that 4.85 is a bad rating to reduce the JSS. I kindly request to change this policy of reducing the JSS, if clients give more than than 4 star rating. Please reply. Thanks.

Pravesh's avatar
Pravesh K Community Member

I am waiting for upwork support's reply from last week. You should at least tell me the exact reason why my JSS has been reduced. If not, then what is the benefit of support?

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Pravesh,


Clients can change the public feedback on the contract but cannot update the private feedback they left for you after ending the contract. That said, your JSS did not change even after the change in public feedback from a 4.8 to a 5 star rating. I recommend you review the help articles shared by Joanne to learn more about the Job Success Scores. Feel free to message us if you have further questions.


- Pradeep

Nujhat's avatar
Nujhat N Community Member

Is it difficult to get job with 62% job success score? What can be done to overcome this?

Maede Emad's avatar
Maede Emad M Community Member

Hello, I am writing with a heavy heart😞. Until recently, I had not received any negative reviews. However, I recently encountered an awful client. He failed to mention certain contract details directly and sent me additional files during the project. To my surprise, he claimed that all these tasks were already in the file. Despite putting in significant effort for just $300, he expressed dissatisfaction, leaving me exhausted.

Eventually, we had to cancel the project. I met all the requirements on time and maintained clear communication with him. Unfortunately, he gave me a 4.1/5 score and falsely criticized my timeliness and other aspects.

Now, my Job Success Score (JSS) has dropped from 100 to 77!😭 This situation feels incredibly unfair. He was an absolute cheater, and I hope UpWork takes notice.

Regards, Maede

Maede Emad's avatar
Maede Emad M Community Member

Can anyone help me? My Top Rated badge was removed due to an unfair JSS.😭😭😭😭

Muhammet Metin's avatar
Muhammet Metin I Community Member

Hello, everybody, how are yoyu.

Eight weeks ago, I was contracted by a Canadian client.
It is a fixed budget job and the first milestone was scheduled for one week.
However, the client hasn't responded so far and I haven't completed the first milestone.
Until last Saturday, I had a 100% job success score, and this morning I realized that my job success rate is 86%.
I successfully completed all six tasks on Upwork except that one.
So I just ended that contract without getting paid. The client hasn't replied to me yet.
How can I get my job success rate back up?
Or 86% of JSS are existing forever?

Moinuddin's avatar
Moinuddin S Community Member


I believe there's been a mistake made in the calculation of my job success score. It was previously at 100% and I just successfully completed a job were I was given good feedback and a five-star rating. Yet, after my account was updated on the may 26th, it dropped to 75%. I believe there's been a mistake. What do I do?

Farzana's avatar
Farzana N Community Member

why did my JSS came out at 60% despite completing all jobs successfully? i recently closed two contracts myself after client left after successful completion of work? is that the reason? 

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Farzana,


Thank you for reaching out, and I'm sorry if your score did not turn out as you expected. I'm afraid we can't comment on someone's score or how specific contracts affect it; many factors are considered when calculating your JSS aside from the public feedback you received from the clients, such as private feedback, the dollar weight of those projects, when the feedback was received, etc.


You can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here. Keep up the fantastic job!


~ Arjay
Amna's avatar
Amna Q Community Member

Hi All,

I am new freelancer. I have recently worked on Product listing task for my client. My Client requirement was to list each product from 3-5 minutes. But actually this listing process take 10 minutes or above. I just work for 1:30 hours. I had explaied every thing to my client but she needs fast progress on that task. She had ended the contract and give me 3.5 star rating with really bad feedback that "I need more improvement in my Product searching".

Now my JSS is decreased from 100% to 80%. Please guide me about this, how can I incresed my JSS again to 100% and can remove this bad review from my profile. Thanks!

Faizan's avatar
Faizan S Community Member

HI i am Engineer faizan shahid completed 14 jobs by good review and first time without any bad feedback my job success became 62 and then i completed 6 job so it goes 88 and then agaian without any bad review it again go to 80 .why it is i also done recently a job with best feedback?please rise my job success.

Dennis's avatar
Dennis N Community Member

My rating dropped from 100% to 52% after a single rogue client gave me a 1-star rating. I have done 18 projects with just one negative rating. I would like to understand how my account rating ended up at 52%. I have never gotten a job since then. This is unfair. 

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Unfair but as-is, sorry. Keep trying to found another job. You have great feedbacks. Any client able to understand thai it was single issue.

Munasingha Arachch's avatar
Munasingha Arachch S Community Member

What could be the reason for this? I couldn't find any bad reviews or any other explanation.

Ramesh Kumar's avatar
Ramesh Kumar K Community Member

May be some private negative feedback(s).

As your profile is not public, cant see if there are any projects been closed recently or not and comment.

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