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Muhammad Tariq's avatar
Muhammad Tariq S Community Member

Why did my JSS decrease?

Job success score on Upwork drastically decreased from 100% to 60%


I am worried about my job success score on Upwork. It has drastically decreased from 100% to 60%, even though I have not received any negative reviews or cancellations on my profile. I am putting in my best efforts and maintaining my quality of service. Please review my profile and check if there are any miscalculations.


Recently, I ended two contracts myself because both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them. I am concerned that this may have affected my job success score. One of the contracts was fixed price, and the other was hourly. Since the latter was inactive for a long time, I ended it and marked it as completed. Both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them.


Could you please fix this issue and let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve my job success score?

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame
~ Luiggi

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498 REPLIES 498
Munasingha Arachch's avatar
Munasingha Arachch S Community Member

Thanks for replying. I just turned the profile to public. There is an hourly project, and its one-week timeframe ended yesterday. The project is not completed yet, and I'm still waiting for the client's feedback. Could that be the reason?

Usama's avatar
Usama A Community Member

my jss is showing not correct im working fine with good review and nice longterm client all fine its seem upwork glitch

Mariam's avatar
Mariam L Community Member

Greetings everyone I've been active on upwork for a while trying to find new work I was top rated and my jss was 100.

I purchased the monthly subscription in order to find something but nothing came on the way regardless I kept going to wake up today and find out that my jss has dropped to 86 and my top rated has gone.

I don't understand upwork anymore can anyone help!

Ramesh Kumar's avatar
Ramesh Kumar K Community Member

No one can help you on this. 

You can check about JSS here 

Ashraf's avatar
Ashraf K Community Member

If you have not used the feedback removal perk in the past 3 months and you have closed at least 10 contracts since the last feedback removal request, you have two weeks to request feedback removal. 


But the trick is to identify which contract might have caused the problem, on the first page of your completed work I could identify 2 possible projects...

Temitope's avatar
Temitope A Community Member

Yesterday, I received my JSS score (I don't have a rising talent badge yet) and it is 50% - which is way too low than I expected. I am unable to understand the reason behind this. I have done 3 fixed jobs, 2 of them are 5 stars and 1 is 4.85.


I'd sincerely like to know why my JSS started so low. But from the discussions I've seen, Upwork moderators do not give any concrete explanations for this. Just generic reasons.

David's avatar
David S Community Member

This may help explain your score better. It is an official UW page.

CONCRETE answers are difficult to find on community. LOTS of speculation poor advice.



Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

In the majority of cases, such a drop indicates poor private feedback. Follow the link David gave you for the whole picture.

Ahsan's avatar
Ahsan R Community Member


I have completed 4 jobs in the last 2 - 2.5 years. All have 5-star feedback. Why did my JSS decrease from 100% to 82% despite 5-star feedback in all previous projects?



Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Ahsan,


I’m sorry to hear about your score drop, but we're afraid that we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. Your JSS can change because:
- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Luiggi
Ahsan's avatar
Ahsan R Community Member

Thanks for the reply. Let me explain in some detail. Before my last job, my JSS was 100%, but yesterday it changed to 82 percent after my last job. My last client shared with me that he has given 5/5 in both private and public feedbacks. I am curious and nervous that when everything is good, then what happened to my JSS? I can share the screenshots of the conversation between me and client with the client's permission. My client even asked me if he could appeal to Upwork if needed. I need this to be fixed and demand a deep investigation into this issue/glitch.

Abdul's avatar
Abdul W Community Member


I've been working really hard on Upwork for the past few months, earning over $700 and maintaining a 100% Job Success Score (JSS) during that time. I was super motivated to grow my freelance career on Upwork and eventually transition to full-time freelancing. Unfortunately, in the past few days, two toxic clients have reduced my JSS from 100% to 66%. A JSS of 66% is considered quite low on Upwork, making it challenging to secure new jobs.


The first client initially liked the video I created for them and even uploaded it on their Instagram handle, he was praising my work at that moment. However, for the second video, which I delivered within a few hours delay, he gave me a 3-star review for both orders due to a slight delay (I don't know why he do that). Despite explaining the reason for the delay and maintaining good communication, he still gave me poor reviews, even though he liked the videos.


The second client was extremely rude and had unrealistic expectations, demanding video completion within a few hours, which was impossible. He communicated this expectation only after starting the contract. I worked hard to deliver as quickly as possible, but due to a few hours of delay, he closed the contract and gave me a one-star review, despite my polite and diligent efforts.


My questions are:

How should freelancers handle clients who are unfair and demotivating, especially for new and motivated freelancers?
How can I improve my JSS and restore it to 100%? I'm disappointed and demotivated by this situation. Please help anyone. Please don't give universal answers that everyone knows, give me a genuine solution.


Thank you

Amna's avatar
Amna Q Community Member


I am new freelancer. I have recently worked on Product listing task for my client. My Client requirement was to list each product from 3-5 minutes. But actually this listing process take 10 minutes or above. I just work for 1:30 hours. I had explaied every thing to my client but she needs fast progress on that task. She had ended the contract and give me 3.5 star rating with really bad feedback that "I need more improvement in my Product searching". Now my JSS is decreased from 100% to 80%. Please guide me about this, how can I incresed my JSS again to 100% and can remove this bad review from my profile.


Ali's avatar
Ali M Community Member

Hello , this is directly to upwork support guys , ( Do not send me that copy pasted message here regarding jss , i need a properly reply and investigation) I have been a 100% JSS guy , I gave a gap in between and re started with my JSS 100 and after completing one job which was 5 star and i know it was 5 star in public and private too , worth 680$ or so , my jss got down to 71?? no way this is acceptable, a 5 star review in public and private and even then i got dropped to 71 , and before that i have all 5 stars too for small jobs , I did do one job last year which was kinda not upto the mark but that was in 1 year window and cannot affect me here because if it did , my jss should always be low . it was 100 and now 71 on a one 5 star review both on public and private , i asked the client . I need this to be fixed or I will write on twitter and demand deep investigation on this glitch !!!

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Ali,


I am sorry to hear about the drop in your JSS. I see that you've raised a support ticket regarding your concern and one of our team members is already assisting you. You can access your support tickets here. Please don't hesitate to follow up with them on the same support ticket if you have additional questions regarding your concern. Note that support requests are responded to in the order they are received. Kindly allow 24-48 hours for the team to follow up with you and assist you further.

- Pradeep

Erfan's avatar
Erfan M Community Member

I recently completed my second project on Upwork and received a 5-star rating from the client. However, I made an error by submitting the project through messages instead of the proper channels, leading to a significant drop in my Job Success Score (JSS) to 57%.

I'm seeking guidance on how to rectify this situation and restore my JSS to accurately reflect the quality of my work and client satisfaction.

Your prompt assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

If you did the work, and the client paid you, then it doesn't matter how it was submitted because they paid you.

Yes, always use the submit work page.


The clients have given you their review. The public review, stars and all, is not the major impact on your JSS, it's the private feedback. One or both of your clients gave you poor feedback. You need to stop looking for work, and try to figure out what went very wrong. Your explanation of why your JSS went down makes no sense, but it doesn't matter. Your client(s) were very unhappy, and you need to admit and work on your role in this, or you will never be successful in freelancing.


The only way to rectify the situation is to spend time online or in libraries, etc. and learn about freelancing. Then learn about scams. Then learn about marketable skills being mandatory for success. Then use the Upwork Academy, resources, and follow all of the rules. Then, and only then, should you use the platform.


The way to increase your JSS is to have excellent quality marketable skills, money to run the business including connects, time, motivation, patience, and again, those marketable skills.


Your profile needs a rewrite. The first sentence is all the clients see in a search, and you have literally five stars.

Also, it's not helpful to put up stuff like that because it's meaningless, especially when the client sees that your JSS is 57% and knows your two clients had to be very unhappy. You can't fool the client with stars in your profile, and it makes you seem deceptive.


Think carefully about your skills and ability to freelance. You may need to spend time improving your skills. There are many thousands of various artists here, and many, many more who do game art. You must bring not only excellent professional-level skills, but also something special to set you apart from the crowd.

Erfan's avatar
Erfan M Community Member

Thank you for your time and your comment. I appreciate that. However, I don't think you understand what my problem is. I did not ask for anybody to check my quality in my field or judge how good of a freelancer I am. I simply asked if anybody knows if there is a way for my Job Success Score (JSS) to be rechecked based on my clients' satisfaction or not. The support AI told me that proper submission is important in JSS calculation, but you are saying it's not. I am confused.

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

When you post in the forum about jobs, the only way to determine what's happening is to look at the jobs on your profile. I was trying to be supportive and help you, but the truth is, if you don't make changes, you are unlikely to get any real jobs, especially with a 57% JSS. If that's fine with you, and you don't want to learn through Upwork, then you will find little sympathy when you return and are upset over being scammed.


No, you are not in a special category where you get to have Upwork reconsider your JSS.

It's updated, but without more jobs, the score won't get better.


Proper submission is important, but it has nothing to do with your JSS, other than you don't get credit if the client doesn't accept a non-Upwork way of working. You were paid, despite not submitting through Upwork channels, and received reviews. You do not get to make them disappear, or have Upwork give you a different rating because you want one, because you don't like them. It's common for clients to give 5 stars (virtually meaningless in your JSS) and give honest and terrible private feedback.


If you want to freelance, you need to spend time learning what that means, outside of Upwork, Then you need to use the Academy, and all the resources from Upwork, and community members who have experience on the platform. Nothing will get better for you here until you accept the way Upwork functions, and determine to learn and follow the rules. It's your choice.

Erfan's avatar
Erfan M Community Member

You are correct.
Thank you for your kind response.
I think It's not fair. I cannot work on or take any projects at the beginning of my journey because of a bad review.
Thank you again.

Rameez's avatar
Rameez A Community Member

Sorry to hear that but we are not able to do anything about it, you can generate a complain to Upwork team maybe they can solve you problem 

Erfan's avatar
Erfan M Community Member

Thank you.
How I can do that?

Dustin's avatar
Dustin S Community Member

My success rate is 50% 

I have taken 7 jobs 


3 jobs completed and 4 jobs in progress due to being ghosted or awaiting next mile stones. 

Why is my success rate so low? 

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

The most common cause of a low JSS is poor private feedback.


Being paid for a job should have nothing to do with the client "ghosting" you. Automatic hourly tracking and fixed price will pay, client or not, if you follow the Upwork rules. Read this information to help you understand the JSS.

Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

Hi there, Dustin,

It's possible that the two customers with "no feedback given" on completed jobs provided less-than-stellar private feedback. Only completed jobs are counted towards the JSS. So, hang in there, get new jobs, and deliver them with excellent results and feedback. This will increase your JSS over time.


Another thing I noticed is that the jobs you have are not within the PM or Operations niche.

Also, please remove your email address from your profile immediately.

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