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Muhammad Tariq's avatar
Muhammad Tariq S Community Member

Why did my JSS decrease?

Job success score on Upwork drastically decreased from 100% to 60%


I am worried about my job success score on Upwork. It has drastically decreased from 100% to 60%, even though I have not received any negative reviews or cancellations on my profile. I am putting in my best efforts and maintaining my quality of service. Please review my profile and check if there are any miscalculations.


Recently, I ended two contracts myself because both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them. I am concerned that this may have affected my job success score. One of the contracts was fixed price, and the other was hourly. Since the latter was inactive for a long time, I ended it and marked it as completed. Both contracts were completed, but the clients did not end them.


Could you please fix this issue and let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve my job success score?

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame
~ Luiggi

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498 REPLIES 498
Jose's avatar
Jose M Community Member

I think my freelance rating is also affected by what freelancers give me as a client.
One freelancer rated me 3.8 but then changed his rating to 5 but my jss didn't update.

How much time this take?

What should I do?

Ivygail's avatar
Ivygail J Moderator

Hello Jose, 


Thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to learn that your Job Success Score hasn't been updated after your freelancer changed their feedback. Just to clarify, your freelancer and client accounts are treated as separate entities, even if you're using the same logins. So, the feedback from your client account won't affect your Job Success Score on your freelancer account.


I would like to let you know that your Job Success Score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in this rolling window is your Job Success Score. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.

Most Sumaiya's avatar
Most Sumaiya A Community Member

Hello, My client give 5 star review my job success score was 76% after submit review then job success score is 66% why ? he request refund but after sometime he made change his decision and approved my payment also give me bonus for good work . 

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

It was bad private feedback (nn\10)

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member

Private feedback can affect the JSS.

Ronna's avatar
Ronna P Moderator

Hi Most,


I’m sorry to hear about your score drop, but we're afraid that we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. Factors such as private and public feedback, the dollar weight of the projects you've completed, and the long-term relationships with your clients can have an impact on your overall score. You may want to check this helpful page to learn more.


Daniel's avatar
Daniel D Community Member

Job success score on Upwork drastically decreased from 100% to 67%


I am worried about my job success score on Upwork. It has drastically decreased from 100% to 67%, even though I have not received any negative reviews or cancellations on my profile. I am putting in my best efforts and maintaining my quality of service. Please review my profile and check if there are any miscalculations.

I recently started a contract with a scammer customer, he tried to scam me into transferring money to his Payoneer account after faking sending a bonus.
After I found it was a scam, he closed the contract on his side, so I gave him very negative feedback. But I can see on my profile page that he gave me 5 stars of review even though he paid $0 actually.

I also ended a contract of $5 3 weeks ago since the client was not responding for more than a month. He did not give any feedback since he was not even available.

Besides these 2 projects above, I have very successful projects with 5 stars of feedback and $900 budget.

There is no reason to decrease my JSS as far as I can see.

Can anyone in the support team please review my profile and correct the JSS?

It is very important and also urgent for me. Thank you in advance.

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Private feedback. It is allowed for $0 contracts as well. Should be scammer dropped your JSS. Upwork allow that and noone will review\fix.

Daniel's avatar
Daniel D Community Member

Thanks for your reply.

This is what I can see on my profile for the scammed project.

Is it a public feedback? Can't I see the private feedback?

It looks like this scammer client has already been restricted.

Why the heck will this feedback impact my JSS?

Can't anyone in the support team fix it?

Screenshot 2024-09-26 235826.png

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Yes, public.

Private feedback is nn\10. You cannot see it. Noone able to see it.

Yes, it affect always, from restricted accounts too.

Yes, very unfair. Scammer should be denided from feedback. Or feedback must be removed after ban. But as-is.

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member

Clients can leave negative private feedback that affects the JSS.

Daniel's avatar
Daniel D Community Member

Thanks for your reply.
Does it still affect my JSS even if the client is a scammer and already restricted?
If it does, it is too unfair for the freelancers.

Md Ahsanul Alam's avatar
Md Ahsanul Alam N Community Member

Hello there, 

Hope you guys are doing good. I need a help in a very serious issue. 


In last January, I have closed a contract with a client mutually. Affer that my jss is horribly low (75%).  Now clients are not even watching bids.


That project was about email automation. In that contract my client was not sharing any  sample email due to policy of her company. So I have proposed to close the contract. We have closed that contract mutually.  why mutually closed contract affecting my jss that much?  I am not even getting help from upwork support.


Can you please help me regarding this issue?

Benito's avatar
Benito M Community Member

I am having a similar issue and so far no reply from UpWork. In my case there was no payment and accorging to the attached image, it shall not affect. But it affects JSS

You can a look at my thread


No Payment.png

Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

Private feedback. 

Benito's avatar
Benito M Community Member

Accoring to UpWork, private faceback on Unpaid Jobs do not affect. See my other thread above.


But the lack of transparency is big here

Benito's avatar
Benito M Community Member

Also I will write UpWork every day till they change it. If lack of transparency and bothering people is the game to play then let's play all together

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

With transparency this topic (and closed before because full) will be not needed. It is thousands of similar questions. 

Mohamed's avatar
Mohamed E Community Member

Hello everyone, Can someone please have a look at my profile and tell me what's going on with my JSS

Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

Falling? Then there is only one reason - negative private feedback from the most recent project. 

Haseeb's avatar
Haseeb T Community Member

I was mistakenly given a 4.7 rating by the client, but after I pointed it out, the client changed it to 5. Despite this, my Job Success Score has dropped. I request that it be restored to 100. This seems like a bug, an issue, or the system might have detected it incorrectly, so I kindly ask for it to be fixed.
There is no negative rating on my profile that would justify a drop in my score. Please correct this or guide me on how we can fix it. 

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 11.32.04 PM.png


Ivygail's avatar
Ivygail J Moderator

Hello Haseeb,


I am sorry to learn that your Job Success Score dropped. I checked and can confirm that there are no issues or errors with how your score is calculated. While we can’t provide insights on individual scores or the impact of specific contracts, it’s good to know that factors like private and public feedback, the dollar weight of your completed projects, and your long-term relationships with clients can all play a role in your overall score. If you’d like to dive deeper into this, feel free to check out this helpful page for more information!


Haseeb's avatar
Haseeb T Community Member

No, now I will see if you people can tell me something about this. Do you think the client gave me wrong private feedback, which caused my score to drop? How is that possible?

Ravindra's avatar
Ravindra B Community Member


I was mistakenly given a 4.7 rating by the client, but after I pointed it out, the client changed it to 5. Despite this, my Job Success Score has dropped. I request that it be restored to 100. This seems like a bug, an issue, or the system might have detected it incorrectly, so I kindly ask for it to be fixed.
There is no negative rating on my profile that would justify a drop in my score. Please correct this or guide me on how we can fix it. 

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 11.32.04 PM.png


The private feedback cannot be changed.


Even a perfect public feedback cannot prevent your JSS from getting hit by the bad private feedback.


"Certa bonum certamen"
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