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Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Why have 8 out of 9 of my Submitted Proposals not been Viewed?

I am new to Upwork. I just entered my profile 2 weeks ago. I have no completed projects or history on the site, although I have a substantial profile with my resume and information on my expertise. My rate is under $100 /hr.


Over the last 2 weeks, I have submitted proposals with cover letters to 9 projects. Only 1 of those proposals has been viewed. Each of those projects claims to have 15-20 people respond. If you were looking for the best person for your project, wouldn't you want to at least glance at all 20 proposals? I have a hard time understanding why my proposals have not even been viewed.


Can anyone explain this to me? Am I doing something wrong here, or ... is Upwork a complete waste of my time. Are there already too many freelancers offering marketing expertise on this platform?




James's avatar
James J Community Member

Can you share an example proposal you have submitted?

Sunil's avatar
Sunil J Community Member

Hi Bruce,

I understand your frustration, but it's important to remember that Upwork, like many freelance platforms, is highly competitive. Here are some insights and strategies to help you improve your chances of getting your proposals viewed and accepted:

1. **Profile Optimization**:
- **Complete and Detailed Profile**: Ensure every section of your profile is complete. Use a professional photo, write a compelling headline, and a detailed summary that highlights your unique skills and experiences.
- **Portfolio Samples**: Showcase your best work. Even if you don't have Upwork-specific projects, upload relevant samples from your past work to give potential clients a sense of your capabilities.

2. **Competitive Pricing**:
- **Start with a Competitive Rate**: While you may have significant experience and expertise, starting with a lower rate can help you build a track record on Upwork. As you gain reviews and establish credibility, you can gradually increase your rate.
- **Offer Value**: Consider offering something extra in your proposals, such as a free initial consultation, to make your offer more attractive.

3. **Proposal Strategy**:
- **Personalized Proposals**: Avoid generic cover letters. Tailor each proposal to the specific job, demonstrating that you've read the job description carefully and understand the client's needs.
- **Highlight Relevant Experience**: Draw attention to any past projects that are particularly relevant to the job you're applying for.
- **Strong Introduction**: Make your first few sentences engaging to catch the client's attention. Busy clients may not read beyond the opening lines if they aren't immediately interested.

4. **Profile Development**:
- **Gather Reviews**: Initially, focus on securing a few smaller projects that can help you gather positive reviews. This social proof is crucial in attracting more clients.
- **Client Engagement**: Be proactive in your communication. Follow up politely on your proposals, and ensure you're responsive to any client inquiries.

5. **Understanding the Market**:
- **Research Competitors**: Look at profiles of top freelancers in your category. Analyze how they present their skills, their rates, and how they structure their proposals.
- **Adapt to Demand**: If certain skills or services are in higher demand, consider emphasizing those in your profile and proposals.

Lastly, don't get discouraged. Freelancing platforms often require persistence and strategic adjustments. By refining your approach, you can improve your visibility and attract more clients.

Best of luck on Upwork!

Best regards,


Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Hi Sunil,

Thanks for the helpful tips. I have followed most of the best practices you have listed. However, I guess I need to do a better job of creating a portfolio and other relevant content. Again, thank you.

- Bruce

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

1\10 is great result. An 99\100 of my proposals is ignored.

I think Upwork hidding proposals to force you pay more. But i cannot prove it for now.

Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Hi Mykola,

You may be correct. Thanks for the support.

- Bruce

Md. Bipu's avatar
Md. Bipu H Community Member

Hi Bruce,

It's frustrating when you're not getting the response you expect on Upwork, especially when you're new to the platform. Here are a few potential reasons why your proposals might not be getting viewed:

1. Competition: Upwork can be highly competitive, especially in popular categories like marketing. With many freelancers vying for the same projects, it's easy for your proposals to get buried among the others.

2. Profile Completeness: While you mentioned having a substantial profile, make sure it's fully complete. Clients often prefer freelancers with complete profiles, including a professional photo, relevant skills, and a well-written overview.

3. Lack of Upwork History: Clients on Upwork often look for freelancers with a proven track record of success on the platform. Since you're new, you don't have any history or reviews yet, which can make clients hesitant to hire you.

4. Cover Letter Quality: Your cover letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression. Make sure it's personalized to each job and highlights how your skills and experience align with the client's needs.

5. Pricing: While your rate is under $100/hr, it's still important to be competitive. Make sure your rate reflects your experience and skills relative to others in your field.

6. Timing: The timing of when you submit your proposals can also impact their visibility. Try experimenting with different times of day to see if you get better results.

While Upwork can be challenging, it's not necessarily a waste of time. Many freelancers find success on the platform with patience and persistence. Here are a few tips to improve your chances:

- Optimize your profile: Continuously update and improve your profile to make it as appealing as possible to potential clients.
- Start small: Consider applying for smaller projects to build up your Upwork history and gain some positive reviews.
- Network: Join Upwork's community forums and participate in discussions. Networking with other freelancers can lead to opportunities and advice.
- Diversify your approach: Consider exploring other freelance platforms or marketing your services independently to broaden your reach.

Remember, success on Upwork often takes time and effort, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Keep refining your approach and staying proactive, and eventually, you'll start to see more traction.

Best of luck!


Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Hi Md. Bipu H,

Thank you for the advice. I appreciate that you took the effort to look at my profile and provide help.

- Bruce

Dani's avatar
Dani D Community Member

Hi Bruce,


The obvious missing part of your profile is the portfolio.


Many of us are having issues with not getting our proposals viewed, including myself. I am here to pick up the clues and understand what I could do better. So, it would be an interesting insight if you can follow-up several weeks after you have set your portfolio and tell us how that improved your chances.

Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Dani, You may follow up in a few weeks. I'm happy for any help I can get to figure this out. 

- Bruce

Natasha's avatar
Natasha P Community Member

Hi Bruce,

I checked your profile and have several suggestions for you, if you don't mind. I'm a recruiter, and my main niche is marketing experts.

  1. Personalize and Quantify Your Profile Presentation: While 24 years of leadership experience is impressive, it's more suited for corporate positions than freelance work. Highlight your achievements with specific figures or percentages. Mention a few of your notable clients as well.

  2. Request Testimonials: Ask your former clients to provide testimonials. You can request these directly from your Upwork profile page.

  3. Build Your Portfolio: Adding at least three examples of your work to your portfolio is crucial. This will showcase your expertise and attract potential clients.

  4. Research Top Profiles: Spend an hour browsing profiles of Top Rated, Top Rated Plus, and Expert-Vetted Marketers in Canada. You can filter these profiles to see what makes them stand out.

Best of luck!


Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Hi Natasha,

Great advice. Thanks for taking the time to look at my profile. 

- Bruce

Clark's avatar
Clark S Community Member

The lack of proposal views can be shocking when you are new to Upwork. You would think clients would glance at 20 proposals to determine who is best for their project, but clients often receive 50+ proposals, and many clients never review them all.


Here are some common reasons why your proposals are not being viewed:


  • Competition is high in many skill areas including marketing/branding. The ratio of freelancers to jobs is ridiculous and it gets worse as more freelancers--qualified or not--join the platform. There are thousands of marketing experts here with varying backgrounds, skill sets and hourly rates.

  • Many jobs are "fishing expeditions." Clients might post jobs to gather information or window shop. Many clients are not be serious about hiring when they post their jobs. Some may return in a few weeks, but many never return.

  • Some clients are looking for discounted rates. Over the past year or so, the number of low-skilled, less qualified freelancers has increased significantly and hourly rates have dropped. I believe clients have bought into these lower rates and many clients are looking for experts with crazy low rates. I do not recommend experts lower their rates; however, clients wanting experts with 25 years of experience at $20.00/hr is not uncommon these days.

  • Be sure to focus on the first two sentences of your cover letters; clients will only see the first two sentences when viewing their list of received proposals. Since you have very little space to get their attention, these two sentences must be convincing.

  • Even with 25 years of experience, your profile lacks the substance many clients look for. I recommend following Natasha's suggestions--especially numbers 1 and 3.

There could be a few more reasons, but I think these are the most likely.

Bruce's avatar
Bruce N Community Member

Hi Clark,

Your advice is spot-on. Very helpful. Thank you. It pains me to see accomplished, professional people offering their services at $20 / Hr. I guess there are a million marketers on Upwork, so commoditization is the risk. I'll get my profile fixed up, and write the first 2 sentences of my cover letters like I would ad copy. 


Thanks again,

- Bruce

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