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Writing jobs

Hi there, 

I've noticed fewer writing jobs on Upwork in recent days. It seems like Upwork is losing clients for writing services, including ghostwriting, blog writing, and academic writing.


There can be two reasons behind it.

1) Upwork is constantly changing its terms and conditions and services.

2) ChatGPT can be the main reason behind it; it is killing creativity that can only come from a true writer and not any AI.

What do you think about it? Why writing jobs are getting so much less these days!

Community Member

It is due to AI. I've heard projections between one quarter and one half of all writing jobs will be eliminated within the year, due to capable AI. If you look at William T C's postings, he talks about it frequently, since he literally advises on AI and economics for his customers.

View solution in original post

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Yup Dear I agree with Your points......

Farwa A wrote:

Yup Dear I agree with Your points......

The presentation of your profile, in addition to being full of emojis, is copied from another freelancer. This is not OK. You must write your own description, why are you stealing someone else's text?
And your photo must be of you, no drawings, logos, etc...

I Agree With Your Points

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It is ChatGPT

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It is due to AI. I've heard projections between one quarter and one half of all writing jobs will be eliminated within the year, due to capable AI. If you look at William T C's postings, he talks about it frequently, since he literally advises on AI and economics for his customers.

So what's the best solution for it? As freelancers whose categories are related to writing, what should they know? which strategy we follow so we can gain clients and earn our main income.

Since it is not my field, I can only speculate. But you need to learn newer skills, perhaps even utilizing the various AI. I recommend that you search online for articles or discussions on new skills for writers that are in demand as a result of AI. Again, if you browse William T C's postings around here and check out his LinkedIn content, you will likely find some of that information.




Bad title. Student? Clients are looking for professionals.
Your presentation leaves a lot to be desired.
It seems like you do everything in graphic design but the client has to believe you without further information and pay you 50 per hour. Where is your portfolio?
If you want to get something here, work on your profile. But let it be "your" profile, not copied. And you should create a portfolio, but only with your work. Don't steal images to fill it out.
You can start by reading this. Everything, links included:
- https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/To-all-freelancers-looking-for-help/m-p/1230482#M734358

- https://community.upwork.com/t5/Community-Blog/Top-Red-Flags-for-Scams-From-Community-Member-Wes-C/b...



How doing work 

Showcase your best work on a personal website or platforms like LinkedIn and Upwork to demonstrate your skills and expertise.

 I am interested 

I like to write poems. Please give me a chance to write poems.

I'm expert in writing.please give me a chance.my hand writing is very good.

Hi I'm very goof in writer plz give me chance I will never disheart you by using AI I have very good experience 

I'm not sure what language you are using as a writer, but it's not English. Before you are scammed, if you care, use the Academy link at the top of the page to learn how to freelance. Currently, your one garbled line will only get you scammed. If you have no marketable skills, freelancing will not work for you.

Yes dear i agree with your points.


am writing to propose a writing project that I believe aligns with your needs and objectives. My name is [Your Name], and I am an experienced [Your Expertise] with a passion for [relevant topics or themes].

1. Project Overview: The proposed project is titled "[Title of Writing Project]" and aims to [briefly describe the purpose and goals of the project]. The key objectives include [list specific goals, such as educating, entertaining, or informing the target audience].

2. Scope of Work: The scope of work for this project includes:

  • Research: Conduct in-depth research on [relevant topics] to ensure accuracy and credibility.

  • Content Creation: Develop engaging and high-quality content in the form of [articles, blog posts, reports, etc.].

  • Revision and Editing: Provide thorough revision and editing to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to the client's voice and style.

  • Timelines: The estimated timeline for completion is [provide a realistic timeframe], with milestones outlined for each phase of the project.

3. Deliverables: The final deliverables will consist of:

  • [Specify the number of articles, blog posts, or pages]
  • [Include any additional materials, such as graphics, charts, or illustrations]

4. Pricing: The total cost for the entire project is [provide a detailed breakdown of costs, if applicable]. Payment will be accepted in [detail payment terms, such as installments or upon project completion].

5. Why Choose Me: I bring [mention your unique skills, experience, or perspective] to this project, ensuring a distinctive and impactful outcome. My commitment to quality, attention to detail, and adherence to deadlines set me apart in delivering a writing project that exceeds expectations.

6. Next Steps: If you find this proposal aligns with your vision, I am available for a meeting to discuss further details and address any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me at [your email address] or [your phone number].

  • Thank you for considering my proposal. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the success of [Client's Name or Organization].
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AI is definitely up and coming, and has been. I do though agree with you that there is no substitute for a human looking through writing that is about to go public. I can't imagine that too many businesses are going to pin 100% of their hopes of successful, let alone correct, and human sounding copy on something a computer wrote, without it being checked.


If something in their content turns out to be inaccurate, readers won't ever trust them again.


We have all experience AI "virtual assistants" when going to places like bank websites, or online stores. Often they have issues answering basic questions.

My expectation is that AI will eliminate the majority of writing jobs, not because it takes them over but because it renders them unnecessary.

AI is definately altering the marketplace, but there is still indication (e.g with jobs on upwork) that there is particular preference for content written by humans. People also seek AI written content to be altered so it can pass as content written by a human. 


I guess we will find out how the cookie crumbles. Fingers crossed 🙂



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is it real that you can earn money from this website by doing multiple tasks cause i'm ready to do it but i don't know how?

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I'm sure it's partly due to AI. My Reddit sub has more than 100,000 freelance writers, and many are reporting fewer opportunities and clients letting them go in favor of AI. But, Upwork also shifted its advertising months ago to focus on long-term relationships rather than smaller jobs, and that is likely also playing a role. 

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I guess clients are using more AI than humans. very sad 😥

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Im also a writer mam u can hiring me for this

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Hello I am samreen



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The availability of writing jobs can vary based on several factors, including market trends, technology, and economic conditions. In recent years, there have been some changes contributing to the perception of fewer writing jobs:

1. Automation: Advancements in AI and natural language processing have enabled automation of some writing tasks, such as content generation and basic reporting.

2. Content saturation: There is an abundance of online content, which has led to increased competition among writers and potentially lower pay rates.

3. Gig economy: The rise of freelance platforms and gig work has created more opportunities for writers, but it has also made the job market more competitive.

4. Industry shifts: Some traditional writing roles, such as print journalism, have faced challenges as media consumption shifts to digital platforms.

5. Economic factors: Economic downturns and disruptions, like the COVID-19 pandemic, can impact job availability across all sectors, including writing.

Despite these challenges, there are still many opportunities for writers in various niches, such as technical writing, marketing, content creation, and more. Adapting to changing trends, developing diverse skills, and networking can help writers thrive in today's job market.

I prefer real thoughts.

I am interested

And, of course, the use of AI to substitute for human writers. It's a poor substitute, though. 

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I need job

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