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Yulia's avatar
Yulia Y Community Member

connects purchase problem

i want to purchase connects but every time redirect to paypal account keep asking for add bank card information, but it's keep rejected. i have enough balance for the purchase in my paypal account, how i can buy the connects without i have to add bank cards account? right now i'm at Indonesia.

Nikola's avatar
Nikola S Moderator

Hi Yulia,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I would like to clarify that in order to add a PayPal Account it must meet the the criteria below. 


  • Your PayPal account must be verified, active, and in good standing
  • You must have an active Billing Agreement with Upwork — this billing agreement is signed as part of the add PayPal flow on Upwork
  • Your PayPal account must not be a student account
  • Your PayPal account must be set up with a primary and back-up payment method


You can find more information here. You can find more available billing methods here

~ Nikola
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