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private to public - phones from clients

Hi, yesterday I submitted two proposals and have been submitting "proof" material to interviewers. This morning I got a message fro you that I was private.Would you kindly change me to public ? Another thing, I have tried to submit proposals, sometimes they ask you for a direct phone which I am not happy to give. Is that a regular or common thing that happens in contacts? Thanks so much! Sigrid
Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Sigrid,


I’ve reset your profile visibility back to public. Just so that you are aware, profiles of freelancers with a history of earnings on the platform will remain public unless they have not earned in more than 2 years. Profiles of new freelancers who haven’t earned on Upwork will be set to private after 90 days.To avoid this, you can resume earnings on a new contract or upgrade your membership to the Plus plan. You can check out more info about this here.

Regarding your second question, I can confirm that communicating outside of Upwork is not a violation. You can also ask them for a call via our Video/Voice message directly here, or with another communication method. Thank you.

~ Goran

I would love to earn with your platform but unfortunately have not got yet
any jobs. Thanks for your support!

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What do you mean when you say that you've been submitting "proof" material to clients? Has anyone asked you to send a copy of your I.D., like a driver's license or passport?

Community Member

re: "Is that a regular or common thing that happens in contacts?"


It is not common. But sometimes this happens.


To ease your mind, create phone numbers for yourself using services such as Google voice, which is free. Provide these alternative phone numbers if asked. Clients don't need to receive your prime phone number.

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