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Lisa's avatar
Lisa B Community Member

"AI doesn't kill jobs? Tell That to Freelancers"

From today's The Wall Street Journal:


"There's new data to back up what freelancers have been saying for months."


Upwork mentioned throughout the article: 


"Freelance jobs that require basic writing, coding or translation are disappearing across postings on job board Upwork, said Kelly Monahan, managing director of the company’s Research Institute."


Upwork won't let me link to the article, but it's easy to find in a Google search under its headline "AI Doesn't Kill Jobs? Tell That to Freelancers" by journalist, Christopher Mims on June 21, 2024. 

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member


"Freelance jobs that require basic writing, coding or translation are disappearing across postings on job board Upwork, said Kelly Monahan, managing director of the company’s Research Institute."

The key word here is "basic". I don't think that experts need to worry - yet.

Thomas J's avatar
Thomas J M Community Member

Another reason Freelancers should not be taking jobs from super cheap clients - they see no difference between hiring you and hiring a computer.  

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