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Jonie's avatar
Jonie M Community Member

refundable linking fee of $35

I finished the project by the client early. She asks for $35 refundable fee before I receive payment. I think that's not right to ask me for a refundable fee. If I need to refund something, why not just deduct it from what will be paid to me. And also, in my opinion i think i need  to receive payment first before anything else. Am i right?

Jonathan's avatar
Jonathan H Community Member

Looking at your profile it says nothing about ongoing contracts, so i assume you have done this work without the client accepting the job? 


Do NOT pay the client anything

Do NOT do any further work

Any work you have done for them was likely for free - they will not pay you.

Upwork cant help if you dont use upwork for the jobs.


I would recommend  you read some of the information on how to use upwork properly to protect yourself as a freelancer. Working off platform, or for free is againt Upwork ToS


If the client is still active on Upwork, then you need to report the client to try and prevent them scamming other freelancers (not that upwork will neccesarily stop them, but we can hope)

Alessandro's avatar
Alessandro L Community Member

You obviously communicated with the client outside of Upwork (I'm sure it was telegram), you started working for the client without an Upwork contract in place and you agreed to be paid outside of Upwork. All these things are against Upwork ToS and are reason enough to have your account suspended by the way...


Why would Upwork help you, if you did everything OUTSIDE of Upwork!?!? If you had spent 10 minutes reading about the rules of this platform, or even this forum, you wouldn't have been scammed like you just have.


Sorry to be blunt, but learn your lesson and move on.

Ismail's avatar
Ismail H Community Member

I am new in "Upwork" and trying to get jobs to develop mobile application. However, I won't mind to get some jobs such as "Converting PDF/Image to words". There are many floating on upwork. I found most of them want a freelancer to communicate to telegram. I communicated few. Few of them offer $1000-$3000 for simple typing jobs. What the trick they use: make you type few documents and praise you for your work. After few hours they will come to you saying "The job you have done has many mistakes there, and our company lost a big deal; basically lost a big amount of money". So, they will ask for refund, penalty etc etc. 
Hopefully, Upwork will take necessary actions to prevent this kind of job offers. I tried to "flag" whenever i see these jobs but there are a lot, how many could we flag? 

Erin's avatar
Erin V Community Member

Those jobs you wouldn't mind getting are scam jobs and you should flag them as such. Common sense tells me that converting PDF / Image to words for $1000-$3000 is too good to be true. My suggestion to you is that since you are new that you hop on over to the Academy tab and learn how to use the Upwork platform correctly. Then you are going to want to read Upwork's terms of service and keep them handy for reference. 

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Jonie,


I checked the job post you were referring to and it appears that it's already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork TOS.

Please check out this course for more tips on staying safe on Upwork and please use the flag option found on each job post or message anytime you’d like to report a violation.


Thank you,


Henry's avatar
Henry B Community Member

I believe it's fair to request payment first and deduct any potential refundable fees from that amount.

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "I believe it's fair to request payment first and deduct any potential refundable fees from that amount."


Does not matter if it is fair or not. There is no such thing as refundable fees. This is just scammers trying to steal money from freelancers.

Sandi's avatar
Sandi H Community Member

I'm experiencing it now, he asked for a $50 refund.. what should I do.. I'm new to this world of work

Elisa's avatar
Elisa B Community Member

This is what you have to do:


1 - Do not pay anything;

2 - Learn the rules (https://community.upwork.com/t5/Academy/ct-p/Academy);

3 - Learn how to protect yourself from scammers (Top Red Flags for Scams: From Community Membe... - Upwork Community).

All Anonymous's avatar
All Anonymous U Community Member

**Edited for community guidelines**


**Edited for community guidelines**

 this people are also asking for refundable linking fee in order for me to receive their payment, good thing I didn't trust them.

**Edited for community guidelines**

I am posting these so that everyone will be aware with these people/scammers. ples respet post


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