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Profile Feedback

Hello and welcome, 

I created this profile almost two years ago, but I've been having difficulty finding clients. Would you be willing to take a look at my profile? It focuses on general, creative writing and physics tutoring.

I'm open to any suggestions you might have to help my profile grow.

Thank You!

My profile link is 





Community Member

Hello Mah,


Overall, I think your profile looks good. I have only a few suggestions that might help improve it:


1) I recommend removing the emoji and greeting at the beginning of your overview/summary: "Hey there 😊"


It seems really small, but those characters take up a lot of space. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-225 characters of your summary are shown. This means you have very little space (approximately two short sentences) to get their attention. You want clients to see their goals (your services and results) in this small space.


2) As you know, digital marketing is about getting results. Can you highlight any digital marketing projects where you helped a client generate positive results? For example, the client in your portfolio:


"In working with the Larry Rowb Foundation, I crafted two compelling, SEO-optimized articles that quickly generated leads, boosted organic traffic to their website, and increased views on their social media campaigns."


3) Add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history--especially the YouTube Manager and Content Writer jobs. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork. Upwork uses keywords in job titles and descriptions to match you with relevant jobs.

I think the other material in your profile looks good.


Good luck!

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