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Beginner's luck?

Dear Upwork Community Members, 


I have a favour to ask experienced members to review my profile and provide your valuable feedbacks. I would especially be grateful if experts on marketing communications and content development extend their help in this. 


Thank you,


Community Member



I haven't got a clear idea of what you plan to do. You need to be very clear about this, because anyone spending money wants to know exactly what you are going to do for them and exactly how that will turn out.


For example, you say you have "a solid skill set for content development."

That is exactly what you need to explain. What skills are in that skill set? Those are the skills your clients are purchasing, so you can't get away with just saying "skill set." That would be like buying a can labeled "Food" without the label saying what kind of food is in the can. What have you got, peaches or beans or tomato sauce?


So, tell people what is in that skill set, so they know what they are buying.


Then you say you have "a successful track record in writing, proofreading and editing various types of content."

I believe you, but it sounds more credible if you give us some details about that. Where did you work? What topics did you write about? DId you get any feedback about how successful any of that was? Where did you trained and how long have you been a writer? 

Any details along those lines strengthen your presentation. "I wrote marketing copy for non-profits and retail companies involved with construction, shipping and medical services." 

Do you see how those details make you more convincing? 


You also say you "collaborated" with the BBC and Netflix. That's terrific. But "collaborated" is too vague. Tell us a little more about those experiences. Did you do writing for them? Did you work on a marketing project? Just give us a few more details so that sounds more credible.


Also ... writers have writing samples. You should post three or four writing samples in your portfolio section.

You have a good start. You just need more details to sound more convincing.

Good luck.

Dear Anthony,


Thanks a lot for taking the to review my profile and send so many helpful hints! Much appreciated!

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