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Profile Review

Hello All,


New to Upwork and I would appreciate any feedback.




Many thanks!

Muhammad Hamza.

Community Member

Hello Muhammad,


Here are a few tips for your profile:


Title: Titles typically work best when focused on a specific skill area or related skill areas. Clients looking for a virtual assistant might be confused when they see "QuickBooks" and "e-Commerce" since neither is necessarily related to virutal assistance. I recommend using your main profile for one skill category (or related) and using specialized profiles for unrelated skill areas. Since your summary appears to focus on accounting/bookkeeping, I suggest your title be changed to something like: Expert Bookkeeper | QuickBooks | Wave


Overview/Summary: The first part of your summary will be more appealing if you use a conversational tone and remove the emojis. For example:


I'm an expert Bookkeeper who specializes in accounting, invoicing, QuickBooks management, and accounting training for new and established businesses. I assure you of exceptional service by taking the weight of bookkeeping and accounting off your shoulders so you can focus on business growth.


The reason this improves the first part of your summary is because clients can see the first two sentences in searches. When clients search for freelancers, only the first 200-225 characters of your summary are shown. This means you have very little space to get their attention. You should not waste this small space with emojis or any unnecessary words.

Your video introduction, portfolio, skills, project catalog, and certifications look good.


Employment History: Add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history. A job description is especially important when the job is highly relevant to the services you provide on Upwork. Upwork uses keywords in job titles and descriptions to match you with relevant jobs.


Good luck!

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