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Request for Profile Review and Feedback

I'm diving into upgrading my Upwork profile to connect with more clients as a game developer. Got any tips or tricks?

Also, I'm wondering: should I roll with my company/agency account or stick to my personal one when applying for gigs? My company, Unrez Studio, is based in Brazil. Any thoughts on which might score me more jobs?

Thanks a ton in advance for your help!

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Community Member



No huge tips or tricks; your profile does a good job of explaining your game development background and your skills. The only thing I would add (preferrably at the beginning of your overview/summary) is information about past game development projects. If you can highlight any similar projects you have worked on and your accomplishments, it will help add value to your summary. For example, at the end of your first paragraph, you could say something like:


My journey in software development began in 2002, encompassing a diverse range of languages including Delphi/Pascal, C, C++, Assembly (PIC), Java, PHP, C#, and even LSL (Script Language for Second Life), among others. I have developed more than 200 different scripts, apps, and games that have enhanced gameplay experiences and increased immersion for players.


As far as which account to use, it is difficult to say. Some clients prefer to work with individual freelancers and not agencies, while others believe an agency will yield better results. I believe most clients come to Upwork expecting to engage individual freelancers.


The other information in your profile looks good.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Good luck!

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