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Host an Event
Spark powerful conversations, build community, and become a thought leader when you host an event.

Whether you're trying to meet new people or start a closed club of agency owners, with our support you can learn from previous hosts and focus on building deep relationships.
Become a Talent Huddle Host
A Talent Huddle is an informal gathering that is independently organized and hosted by experienced freelancers for their local Upwork talent community. If you are interested in hosting a Talent Huddle, we encourage you to apply to become a host. It only takes two minutes to apply.
Facilitate a Mastermind Session
If you're looking for a dose of motivation and peer-to-peer mentoring, an Upwork Talent Mastermind session might be for you! During a Mastermind, fellow top talent share hurdles and best practices in an informal environment with the outcome of helping and learning from each other.
45 +
70 +
200 +
5000 +
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between official Upwork events, Talent Huddles, and Mastermind Sessions?

Talent Huddles and Mastermind Sessions are independently-organized events hosted by experienced freelancers. Official Upwork events, on the other hand, are hosted by local Upwork Ambassadors and Upwo

In which format are independently-hosted events conducted?

Talent Huddles can be hosted both in-person and virtual. Other event formats are hosted virtually due to organizational specifics and to enable community members globally to participate and engage.

How can I apply to host an event?

We’re always looking for outstanding talent who are eager to connect with other freelancers and host events! Please choose which event type you're interested in hosting above and submit your applicat

In which language are the events hosted?

We will work with each host to determine the language of each event—based on their preference to host the event in English or their local language. The event language will then be specified on the ev

What support or perks do hosts get?

Remember, Talent Huddles and Mastermind Sessions are independently and voluntarily hosted freelancer events. Event hosts are motivated by their interest in meeting other freelancers to socialize and

How can I become a speaker at an Upwork event?

We’re always looking for great talent who are eager to share their expertise with other freelancers. Sign up to become a speaker.