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Active Issue - Affecting multiple areas of Upwork.

We apologize for the interruption. The technical team is aware of the issue and working on fixing this as soon as possible. Please visit the Status page for the latest status.
**Edited for Updates**
We received an update from the team and they confirmed a fix on the issue. Don't hesitate to let us know if you're still experiencing abnormalities and we'll look further into that for you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Community Member


My client is trying to activate some milestones but is getting these messages,
I checked https://status.upwork.com/ but it's all green.
am I or my client doing something wrong?


Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 20.43.22.png

Community Member

Dear Community, 


I have just decided to work as a freelancer and I'm feeling very motivated! I have an agency with my partner, but I haven't been able to create an agency account. I followed the steps of Settings -  Contact Info - Additional Accounts - New Agency Account, but I get Error 403.  I tried contacting the chat support but they told me my account doesn't have the requirements for an agency account, and I haven't found what are those requirements. Can anyone here please help me out? 


Thank you! 

Community Member

Why I am not able to accept the job offer? Here is the screenshot of the error that's occurring continuously. 

Please fix this ASAP so I can accept the offer.




Community Member


I am encountering a similar issue. This is my first time having this issue and I have tried different browsers. However, the issue still persists. Can anyone help? I have also attached the picture for your reference. 

Status changed to: Resolved