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Portfolio Item - Only first page is visible

We would like to provide more information regarding your reports about previewing PDF files in portfolio.


Experience: when clicking on a multi-page PDF document in portfolio only the first page is visible.


We'd like to confirm that it is currently by design that only first page of your PDF document would show in the pop-up preview. However, if you click on the image, the full document should open in a new tab. You should be able to do this by clicking the portfolio item on your profile page, and then click the image that pops up with the portfolio details.


Screenshots for reference: 








Additionally, we shared your reports with our Product team as an improvement request and they will work on this in future updates.


Thank you for your understanding,

Community Member

Thanks Nikola, more than error, when I attache the file it gets uploaded but you can only see the first page, and is not the cover,

Community Member



Community Member

If you can see, the pdf only shows the first page, and i can scroll down to the next pages. Please help me! 

I have also tried with a different browser, dragging the file, an uploading it the regular way.

Status changed to: Workaround

Hi Cris,


Thank you for following up and sharing additional information along with a screenshot from your end. I moved your post here so that you can find more information regarding your concern. 


Additionally, I would like to clarify that it is currently by design that only the first page of your PDF document would show in the pop-up preview. However, if you click on the image, the full document should open in a new tab. You should be able to do this by clicking the portfolio item on your profile page, and then click the image that pops up with the portfolio details.


Community Member


I've noticed many people are having this issue, but I'm trying to post my work and the first page of the pdf only shows up, even after I click on it as the published version on the main page. Please advise.

Community Member

I just noticed that you have to click in the middle of the document for all pages to fully appear. I'm not sure if that's completely intuitive, but just wanted to let others know it works that way.

Community Member

Yes... I noticed that too a few months ago and it took me a minute to realize that I should click the first page showing in the pop-up window to open the full PDF. Like you, I'm not so sure a potential client will think to do that. 😀

Community Member

Exactly! I ended up putting a note in my project description to "please click on document to reveal the full content." Thanks for your note and best wishes on your freelance journey! 🙂


Community Member

Same issue. I uploaded a 6-pages pdf file, and only 1 page shows up.