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Michael's avatar
Michael J Community Member

Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi Community!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

Michael's avatar
Michael J Community Member

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


View solution in original post

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Marina's avatar
Marina S Community Member

Hello Mike,


Would you please take a look at my profile and give me some feedback on what I can improve?

I am struggling to earn contracts and I would like to be as good as possible and to increase chances to win proposals.



Thank you in advance. 

Best regards,


Anthony's avatar
Anthony H Community Member

Just some thoughts here, Marina:


1) I always wonder why people put $38 per hour or $26.50 or $41. Why not just say $40 and get it over with. It sounds more professional to me to just say $40.

2) I think the Sun Tzu quote -- besides it sounding like pure jargon -- is a needless distraction. What clients want to know about is you and you do this quickly in your next paragraph "As a business .... " If it was up to me, I'd say ditch the quote which seems to just be a waste of time.
3) At the end you say "I'm not a designer." I know that's honest, but that sentence is jarring, a sudden negative statement after a long list of positive statements. I advise you to scratch that sentence and begin that paragraph with "I work with designers ..."

4) Now this is the main quibble. A profile should do several things. First, it should prove you're an expert. You do that very well. Second, it should show that youi're approachable and this is not your strong suit here.

To sound approachable, all you have to do is open up a little. Just a sentence or two here and there that say something about you. It could be "I like cats" or "I like Mel Brooks movies." What I suggest is just a phrase or two here and there that says, "I'm a cheerful person," or "I love helping others." In your long write up you mention something about working with your clilents and that's a start, but it's a pretty stiff, business-like reference. 

5) Beyond that ... your write up goes on and on and on and on. It's very well written and very, very convincing, but somewhere there's a balance. If you hit people over the head with your expertise that much it subtracts from your like-able-ness. You have to sound likeable or people will avoid you no matter how expert you are.
6) I think you could chop out the entire second section that starts with "I do ... preparing ... " I would bet you don't lose a thing by doing that. By then you have already convinced people (me, anyway) that you are a consumate pro. So, you might just say something as a summary, rather than another long list of attributes.

7) Needless to say, it's a very, very competent and admirable profile. I'm just one opinion. These are just points to consider. I hope it helps. 

Clearly you have the style and the knowledge to do very well on Upwork. I don't have a crystal ball, but you seem determined and smart ... that one-two punch rarely fails.

Good luck. 

Marina's avatar
Marina S Community Member

Dear Anthony,


I really really appreciate your honesty and your advices. 

Thank you for that analyze and your proposal. I definitely will take them into account.


Whish you all the best!

Best regards,


Portia's avatar
Portia B Community Member

Hi Anthony, 

If you have the time and interest, I am definitely interested in a profile review.
I'm not entirely new to Upwork (joined in 2017), but I was never really serious about it until now: my profile was incomplete until recently and I was not actively job-searching on here. I am not able to post a better profile pic at this time (currently wearing braces) and I'm wondering how my current pic (and anything else) is affecting my profile. 😬


Thanks in advance!



Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad A Community Member

Hi Anthony, would you please help me improve my profile to get improved client interaction? Here is my profile link.


Joyce's avatar
Joyce N Community Member

Hi, kindly do a review of my profile.I'm new on upwork and i would like to get my first client.

MD Abdus's avatar
MD Abdus S Community Member

Hello, Good morning from Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Would you please someone review my profile & give me some valuable suggestions on how can improve my profile?

I work on google ads. Really I want to do well on Upwork.

Alishba Fatima's avatar
Alishba Fatima G Community Member

Please check my profile and guide me I am new to Upwork.

Md Tarikul's avatar
Md Tarikul I Community Member


I am new to Upwork. I have submitted many proposals but won only one job. I am fearing that my writing is not good enough to attract a client. Can someone please share any project winning cover letter samples from which I can learn and write future cover letters. It will be better if the cover letter is in the SEO category.

Thanks in advance

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Md Tarikul,


I'm sorry to hear you've been having trouble landing jobs. I can highly recommend you take a look at this Upwork Academy course on Submitting Proposals which can really help boost your chances of success. In addition, you may want to take a look at these additional courses to help you improve your profile:



I've also merged your post to a thread where other experienced freelancers may be able to provide you with advice. 

~ Luiggi
Marianna's avatar
Marianna A Community Member

Hi community

I do freelancing for more than 5 years, Recently I apply a lot of proposals, but can't receive jobs. I have 90% JSS,   Can you please just check my profile and give feedback on what's wrong? 


Thanks in advance



Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Marianna,


I'm sorry to hear you were having trouble landing jobs. Though I see that you have had an active contract since July 27th, congrats! Perhaps you might find it useful to revisit how you're crafting your proposals to boost your chances of success. I can highly recommend this Upwork Academy course on Submitting Proposals. In addition, I've also merged your post to a thread where other experienced freelancers can see it and provide you with their feedback.

~ Luiggi
Portia's avatar
Portia B Community Member

Hi Luiggi, 

I am definitely interested in a profile review. I'm not entirely new to Upwork (joined in 2017), but I was never really serious about it until now: my profile was incomplete until recently and I was not actively job-searching on here. I am not able to post a better profile pic at this time (currently wearing braces) and I'm wondering how my current pic (and anything else) is affecting my profile. 😬




Thank you!

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad Y Community Member

Would you please take a look at my profile and suggest some improvements? 

Hamad's avatar
Hamad S Community Member

Hey Mike, 


Just wandered in here trying to figure out what I am possibly doing wrong, I have sent out about 20 proposals and havent had a single hit. Now I do realize as someone at the start of their career 20 proposals is probably nothing but it got me wondering if my profile was the reason I was not getting any hits. 


I would really apprciate if you could give my profile a review and see if theres anything i need to further add or ammend. 


Really looking forward to your reply. 





Hamad S.

Portia's avatar
Portia B Community Member

Hi Mike, 

I am definitely interested in a profile review. I'm not entirely new to Upwork (joined in 2017), but I was never really serious about it until now: my profile was incomplete until recently and I was not actively job-searching on here. I am not able to post a better profile pic at this time (currently wearing braces) and I'm wondering how my current pic (and anything else) is affecting my profile. 😬




Thanks so much!

Usman's avatar
Usman K Community Member

Greetings! I'm new on upwork please have look at my profile and provide your valuale suggestions.

Rusiru's avatar
Rusiru S Community Member


I would be grateful if someone could look at my profile and let me know if there are any flaws.


Catherine's avatar
Catherine N Community Member

Hello , would you please help me with  my profile and suggest some improvements

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad D Community Member

Hello seniors please take a look on my profile and suggest me some improvements. I am fresher on upwork. Help!



MD Abdus's avatar
MD Abdus S Community Member

Hello Upwork expert

Would you please check my profile & if possible give me some suggestions on how can I improve my profile?
Really I want to succeed on Upwork.
my profile link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~019a6bf4064d861509

Wenlin's avatar
Wenlin T Community Member

Thanks for this! I'd appreciate any feedback on my profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01a673c60c5b1262a6

I'm hoping to transition from Top Rated to Top Rated Plus and appreciate feedback, if any from other experience Upwork freelancers and the Upwork team. Thanks in advance!

Craig's avatar
Craig T Community Member

Thanks for the offer to review profiles I just set mine up a few weeks ago and I've yet to land any jobs, I was hoping to get some assistance to kick start things and make this a profitable new venture.

Thanks again,

Simeon's avatar
Simeon I Community Member

hello sir

Please i also need help

Simeon Loveth
Smide's avatar
Smide K Community Member

Can you please checkout my profile, i need your feedbacks on major improvement.

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