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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi Community!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


View solution in original post

4,578 REPLIES 4,578
Community Member

Hello Mike. 
hope you are doing well🙂


Please review my profile and suggest improvements ?? 

Community Member

Would you please take a look at my profile and suggest some improvements? 

Community Member



kindly look at my profile too.. need suggestions.. Best Regards


Community Member

Hi Mike J / Upwork community,


May i request you to please, review my profile and provide your feedback?





Community Member

Hi, Can you please check my profile and give a review?

Community Member

review my profile and please suggestion about improved


Community Member

I am new to upwork and online freelaning. I would be glad to have my profile reviewed and also open to any advice on how to get a contract.

Community Member


I've been applying to some jobs, but I have not been able to get any contract yet 😓 I have been following advice from Community, and I tried to be as careful as possible in regards to completition and else. 

Can you please give me some insight about this?

I really appreciate it!

Community Member

Maria, you need to do a lot of changes to your Upwork profile. You need to change the description and try to write things in bullets so clients can understand in which areas you are specialized. 


Also, you need to write about your previous experiences and try to add three different portfolios. 


Best wishes to you. 

Javed Aslam
Community Member

Hi Upwork Community!


I would love to have some constructive criticism of my profile and what I can do to improve my chances of landing more contracts. 


Thank you! 

Community Member

Help me improve my profile, please. Many thanks!

Community Member



Just set this account up yesterday and I'm still quite new to selling myself.


What do you think?

Where can I improve?

If you had my skills how would you market them?


Thank you so much!

Jack H.

Community Member


Hope you're doing great, first of all thanks for sharing you experice with us..

Could you please just take a look to my profile it’s pretty organized to me but i really want you to take a look for me, I’ll really appreciate that you're reading this and i even appreciate more if you give a short review about my profile, whenever you free it’s been mounts here but still no order not  even close to interview so i believe there's something wrong... i would love take some suggestions from you

Again thanks  🙂

Best Regards, 


Community Member

Please review my profile and give your suggestions.


Community Member

Hi Mike J,  kindly welcome to look at my profile which is 80% complete. Thanks and God bless

Community Member

I am new to upwork and online freelaning. I would be glad to have my profile reviewed and also open to any advice on how to get a contract.


Thank you 

Community Member


Can you get some time to look at my profile and am I eligible to get some online work 1-2hr per day. Please go through my profile and suggest any improvement. Thanks 

CAn you get https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~014f41884eee1620c1 

Community Member

Hi Sir,


Please suggest me to improve my Upwork profile and get my first job on Upwork.




Kind regards,



You need to have a skill that you are selling -- one skill, something you are so good at that someone who doesn't even know you someone who will never meet you, someone in another country, perhaps, has the confidence in you to hire you.

People hire people who are nice, but they hire people with one specific skill who is nice, not just well you seem like a pleasant person, but you have nothing else to offer.

And ... $3 per hour will just invite scam artists. $3 an hour means you have no confidence, don't know anything about the marketplace or really just don't value your skills. 

Look at other profiles and see what people say about themselves and what they charge. Try to write a profile like that. (Look at profiles of people with the same skills, but seem to have lots of great reviews and reasonable earnings and five star ratings.)

Community Member

I would like to have feedback on my profile. Thanks!

Community Member

Would you please take a look at my profile?

Community Member



I too am new to upwork! I've submitted numerous propsals for jobs but have received no reponse. I would appreciate if someone can take a look at my profile and give me suggestions for improvement. Thank you so much! 



You are clearly bright and friendly, somewhat of a go-getter type, on your feet, balanced, confident  and a few other very useful things.

And you have skills. Human resources skills. And messaging/marketing/social media/and even writing skills.

It's great to have a lot of skills, but it's a bit out of focus for freelance work.

The ideal here is that you are an expert at something -- a service skill. And you want to go it on your own as a freelance expert at such and such.


The word "expert"  has to be considered. Someone on Upwork doesn't know you and can't walk into your store and see you in 3D and shake your hand so you can gain their trust. No employer backs you up by screening you and hiring you or carrying liabililty insurance for you. So are really, really on your own. So it pays to be an expert at a niche, rather than a generalist who might be (and I know this isn't you) just hacking away.


Specialists earn more than generalists, too.


You have terrific skills, but you've kind of opened up a convenience store.  That said, consider what your market wants and whether or not there's one skill that would give you a real competetive advantage and try that approach. Just something to think about..

Hi Sir,


Please can you look at my profile and give me feedback? Thank you.


Community Member

hey i am new there from almost 2 months but i didn't get any job for sure that i have no feedback can you give that to me.

Community Member

Would you please look into my profile and suggest some improvements? 

Community Member

Hi Mike,


I am new to Upwork, I feel lost as no client is responding to my proposal, please I need a profile review from experienced freelancers.

Community Member


Could you take a look at my profile? Tnaks!


You're selling logo designs and stuff ... so who cares if you play the piano?

The answer is  ... only you. Nobody who wants to hire you for creating a logo gives a hoot if you play the piano or not.

This is the time to sell your skills as a logo designer, not start a conversation about your piano skills.

Community Member

Hey, can you please take a look at my profile and suggest any improvements?


You need a brighter picture. You need a portfolio that shows samples of your work.

You need to be more than a "practicing architect."

You have to convince people you are an expert at what you do. This is theiir money they give you; they want minimal risks. They want a real expert who is confident at what they do.

You wrote, what, two sentences or three ... an architect should have more to say about what they do then -- Gee I'm an architect and I try really hard.

Community Member

Would you please take a look at my profile and suggest some improvements?

Community Member

Hello there..

can you please take a look at my profile and let me know if there is anything that i can do to make it better...
Husnain Tahir


Hello Husain,

Your profile is set to private, no one other than you can see your profile.


You need to set it to public or upwork members.

Community Member

Would you please take a look at my profile and suggest some improvements and give some feedback?

Hello Saied,

Your profile introduction could do with being expanded on, and use your design knowledge to make it more readable, use blank line spacing.


Expand on your experience, how many years? What is your experience? Are you better at some things over others, what is your specialty? What do you offer the client? What will the client get from you?


Never ask the question, “are you looking for….” Or state, “If you are looking for….” The client knows what he is looking for or he would not be on your profile to read this, he is looking for someone with your skills so list them, list them all.


Your introduction comes across as if you got board half way through and just decided to list things rather than write full sentences, don’t just list this:


Why me specifically:

Delivered on schedule.

Competitive prices.

Don't forget to take a look at my portfolio.

I am an Adobe Illustrator, lightroom, and Photoshop expert.


Write full sentences. Yes I know you only have basic English but as it is at the moment shows a lack of interest and a half hearted attempt to present yourself.


Don’t end with “Thanks and Regards” use one or the other. Personally I would not end the introduction like a letter. My last line would be a call to action.


Good that you have portfolio items this is the best way to show clients your skills but you need to expand on the project descriptions, say what was the project for, how long did it take? What you actually had to do, what platforms did you use? Did anything go wrong? If so how did you rectify the problem?


Nice that you have a project catalogue item but knowing what work needs to be done with image editing I would put the price up even if it is only to $10.


I also thing your rate is a little too low, some clients will look on this in a negative way and just more on if the price is too low. Minimum I recommend here would be $15 per hour.


I say this so many times in these reviews but it really does help, have a look at some other profiles in your field this will show you how others set their profile out. It will give you ideas on what to put in your profile, it may jog your memory about skills you didn’t think were skills, it will give you an idea on what your rate should be in your field.


I would also encourage you to improve your English skills, this will pay you dividends in the long run, with communications with clients. There are plenty of free lessons online for this you just need to Google “Free English Lessons”, have a look at the education sites like “Udemy” or “Alison” some of their courses are outstanding.


Best of luck

Community Member

Please tell me how can I make improvement more in my profile.

Hello Fahad,

Right, your introduction is one big block of text and just doesn’t sound right, no matter how many times I read it or look at it.


This is your chance to sell your services to a client, your chance to tell the client you are the best choice for the project. Tell the client about your experience, how many years have you been doing this? What are the kinds of projects you are best at? What do you do for the client? What does the client get from you?


List your skills in list form, list your software experience.


I would also suggest double checking your spelling and grammar use Word for your spelling and Grammary for your grammar, attention to detail will stop any embarrassing mistakes, especially when you claim quality of work.


You have 1 job under your belt with a 5 star feedback, this is an excellent start. It is so important to get good feedback.


Your first portfolio item is a little long with images, I would suggest cutting it down to around 5 images and expand on the project descriptions, tell a story of the projects, what was required? What did you do? Was there any problems? (Don’t say things like “if you want proof, I will show you”, this shows lack of confidence with your own credibility.)


Your rate seems a little low for a “Manager”, you have to remember, on here you are on the world stage, the market value on this stage will be different than the market value for “Bangladesh”, don’t go crazy and start asking for the likes of $50 per hour. But some simple research online will give you a good rate to put on your profile.


Your skills list seems all over the place, this list at the bottom of your profile should reflect your profile and the work you are going for, this list is one of the factors in what client searches you appear in. Some of the skills you have listed are very big areas and tend to take up lots of time and are very different areas from each other, ie “Virtual Assistant, Administrative Support, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing and Social Media Management”, having all these big areas listed may put clients off.


People that specialise in these areas (Experts) tend not to have much more time for other specialist areas, you need to think about what are your best skills, the work you are looking for and your experience and abilities.


Good luck and hope this is helpful.

Community Member

I don't know if you will be able to read this because of 2000 replies on this post but, could you PLEASE review my profile? 

Hello Anuraag,

You seem to be doing ok with 15 jobs, $10K earnings, 100% JSS and being “Top Rated”

I think it is safe to say you probably don’t need much help.


If you are finding it harder to land projects and clients, it’s the same for all of us at the moment, there seems to be a few more time wasters that never hire anyone and clients are being a little more reserved with whom they chose for projects.


Your profile looks good, well laid out, professional.

Good luck.

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