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Giselly's avatar
Giselly C Community Member

How can I get job?

I am fresh over upwork, well not so fresh I've like 2 months here, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm applying for QA Tester mostly how can i get job over upworkr? i am trying with a cover letter but no body responding me.

Aaron Luigi's avatar
Aaron Luigi L Community Member

We are sorry to hear that you're having issues getting jobs. I understand how frustrating it is to have to go through this. I regret the inconvenience this has caused you, Giselly.


Here are some of the pointers that we recommend as part of any successful application process:


-Apply only to those job postings for which you are truly qualified and feel confident you can complete successfully.

-Submit a cover letter customized to address the specific requests and needs of the job posting.

-Submit an accurate application reflecting your understanding of the scope of the contract and the amount.

-Request clarifications of scope, deliverables and due dates from clients, as needed.

-Update the application's requested pay rate to reflect any changes prior to being hired.

-Inform the client of your availability and normal working hours, expected response times to communications and any planned or potential vacations, holidays or other known work outages.

-Respond promptly and professionally to messages from the client.


Also, a great profile shows potential clients your value as a freelancer. You want to encourage clients to invite you to apply to their job postings. This is your first chance to make an unforgettable first impression. Put some time and effort into creating a profile that separates you from the crowd!

- Aaron
Luce's avatar
Luce N Community Member

Hi Giselly,


Getting the first jobs on Upwork is difficult for most people, so cheer up, you just have to keep trying.


I had a look at your profile, and I thought it was a bit confusing. As you have never studied translation, you should not offer translation service as your first/major service. You could highligt that you can work in English or Spanish, but what you seem to be good and experienced at is more linked to your sofware knowledge. 


However, I saw that you had done well in the English to Spanish test, so you could start by proposing your services for small translation jobs in order to have some experience of translation and gradually get client feedback. You could also offer editing/proofreading of Spanish documents.


Anyway, good luck to you!


Giselly's avatar
Giselly C Community Member

Hi Luce


I took your advice and I changed my first service as just QA Tester because is my mainly job and made some changes in profile, I don't know if that would help but I hope so.


Thanks for your response and recommendation, if you have more you can tell me.

Luce's avatar
Luce N Community Member

Hi Giselly, 


Your profile makes more sense now. Don't forget, it usually takes a lot of patience to start on Upwork. Don't give up, if you want to succeed, and good luck!

Gary's avatar
Gary H Community Member

Ok.  I get that there is a lag time to get a job on Upwork.  But I have a question regarding proposals I have submitted. 

How long should I wait to see if there is a response?  I check the proposal I submitted and the client has reviewed within 24  hrs of my proposal, there are only a handful (less than 5) others, they have sent no invites etc.  Am I wasting my time with them if there is no decision made in 3-4 days?

Also, if I withdraw my proposal, why don't I get those connects back? 

This not my sole source of income nor is it a business.  I am retired and am just looking for a little work to occupy my time and to make a little extra money.  How can I compete with all of the "experts" ?

Ryan's avatar
Ryan C Community Member

Hello Gary,


You'll receive a notification once your client responded to your proposal. Unfortunately, your connects won't be refunded if you want to withdraw your proposal. Please click these helpful links to boost your chances of getting hired:


Enhance your profile

Tips for boosting your success on Upwork

Submitting a Proposal


Gary's avatar
Gary H Community Member

Thanks Ryan.  I knew that I would get a message, somewhere, if i got a response.  Do I get that in an email or do I have to check in to see them?

Is there any message I would get if they hired someone else? I really do not want to put out  several proposals (8 open right now) and then get invites for more than I could handle. (I would take ANY right now)

How long do YOU wait before you give up on a job and move on?

Ryan's avatar
Ryan C Community Member

Hello Gary,


You'll receive an email notification if you enabled it in your Notification settings on your account. You may check it by going to your settings and then click Notification Settings. You won't have a notification if the client already hired someone else but you will be able to see the number of hired freelancers in the job post.  You will also be able to see the last time your client viewed the job under the Activity on this Job. 


I usually check the last time my client viewed the job before I give up and consider moving on. If the last time my client viewed the job is more than a week ago, I think that's the time to give up and try to apply to a new one.

Gary's avatar
Gary H Community Member

Thanks Ryan.  That is helpful

Tracey's avatar
Tracey S Community Member

I agree with Ryan. If they haven't responded in some way within a week, I withdraw my proposal and select "unresponsive client." After a week, they've either selected someone else, decided they don't like any of the proposals or they'll never get around to actually moving forward with the defined project. In all of these cases, freelancers should move on.

Virginia's avatar
Virginia F Community Member

@Gary H wrote:

Thanks Ryan.  I knew that I would get a message, somewhere, if i got a response.  Do I get that in an email or do I have to check in to see them?

Is there any message I would get if they hired someone else? I really do not want to put out  several proposals (8 open right now) and then get invites for more than I could handle. (I would take ANY right now)

How long do YOU wait before you give up on a job and move on?


Go to your profile settings, and then notification settings to make sure you have notifications set up the way you'd like.


Most long-time, esperienced freelancers will tell you to leave your bids and move on. That's what I do. There's no point in waiting. If a job is awarded to someone else, it will disappear from your proposal list and be moved to your archive list, same if the job is expired or closed.


Instead of waiting, go soak in those wonderful hot springs.

Gary's avatar
Gary H Community Member

Thanks Virginia! 

So you are familiar with our hot springs here?  You know they are the deepest in the world!

We usually go every Tuesday.  Locals get a special deal!

Virginia's avatar
Virginia F Community Member

@Gary H wrote:

Thanks Virginia! 

So you are familiar with our hot springs here?  You know they are the deepest in the world!

We usually go every Tuesday.  Locals get a special deal!

Yes, very familiar. Wish I lived closer but always hit them up when I'm cruising down that way. I go to the hot springs in Buena Vista ... those are closer.

Wardhere's avatar
Wardhere A Community Member


I have been using at upwork platform, since November late, still i'm waiting to find a job at Upwork platform no invitations no interview. If there is someone who help me or even guide me it would be lovely.

Luce's avatar
Luce N Community Member

From my point of view, that's not such a long time. From what I remember, it took me about two months to get a first job. 


My advice to you is work on your profile, your cover letters, pass tests in order to have something to show clients what your capacities are. If you don't do good at a test, you can hide the results on your profile and try it again a few months later.


Try to limit yourself to a connect or two a day, so choose very carefully the jobs you think are worth applying for.


And good luck!

Husain's avatar
Husain A Community Member

@Giselly C wrote:

can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Let me start off by saying that that is a very valuable question; however, there might come a time when you might not be doing anything wrong but still haven't gained the right traction. When that time comes, you mustn't let that question haunt you. It could just be a matter of time before you find the right client, or the right client finds you.

Jatinder's avatar
Jatinder k Community Member

Hello Giselly,


Keep Trying to apply those jobs which you think that you are perfect fit for.  This message is just to encourage you to keep trying, by giving my example I also got my first job after a lot of struggle but now I am a successful freelancer and doing regular projects so keep going one day you will be “TOP RATED”.

Stay Positive


Thanks & Regards


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