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Vincente A Community Member

How does skills (advanced) search work?

If I use the skills search field in the advanced search dialog, I thought the results would include all job postings that have any of the skills I searched for listed under "Skills and expertise" within the job description.


If I do a simple search for skill by simply entering it into the "Search for jobs" field, I get results that should have been included in the skills search, but weren't.


For example, I do an advanced search for the skills html, css, and javascript and look through my results. Then I do a simple search for the term html. When I look at the results of the second search, I see a job posted that lists css, html, and javascript under "Skills and experience" but was not returned in the results of the first search.



skills (advanced) searchskills (advanced) search


simple search resultssimple search results


Update: Okay, apparently inserting images in Upwork's community forums is broken. You get the idea, though. First I did a skills search for html, css, javascript and got only 3,079 results. Then I did a simple search for just "html" and got 9,470 results. Something clearly isn't working right here.

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