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Joanna Marie's avatar
Joanna Marie C Community Member

How to be a successful freelancer @upwork?

HI! I am new here. I hope we can get along and be successful soon! 💛

Konstantinos's avatar
Konstantinos A Community Member

No one knows. And success differs from person to person. For some, earning $500 per month is great, while for others, $4.5K.

I'd suggest you focus on having a great work history, a polished profile page, as well as lots of work samples. Then, you can start considering how to scale your freelancer career.

Elisa's avatar
Elisa B Community Member

Here is where I would start, if I were you: 


- not copying and pasting an useless career objective, already seen on dozens of other profiles;

- taking the Academy courses and learning all you need to know before even thinking to apply to any job.


Seriously. Knowledge comes first and safety comes along with that.

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