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Milos's avatar
Milos A Community Member

Question about time tracker



I am new on this platform, and recently I got hired for one project. 

So, I will not always be able to work from my PC where I have installed my time tracker, for example I will work from my office from another PC or from my phone. Therefore, is there a chance that I can add my hours spent on working when I get home and have free time? Thank you for your answers. 

 And just to ask, will it be problem because I will visit upwork from 3 or more different IP adresses? 


Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Milos,


You can also install our desktop app on your computer in the office and work from there. You can also add manual time on your contract if your client has enabled this option. Please keep in mind that manual time is not protected under our Upwork Hourly Protection

~ Goran
Milos's avatar
Milos A Community Member

Thank you for your answer. So, it will not be a problem if I install tracker on multiple IPs, and in the same time use multiple IPs to check upwork? 


Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Milos,


You won't have any problems logging in and working from different locations. I would like just to remind you that sharing an account is a serious violation of our TOS. Thank you.

~ Goran
Milos's avatar
Milos A Community Member

Well, that is the exact reason I asked this question. I do not want you to think that I share my account with someone. For me it is really important to have things cleared before starting to go even deeper into upwork bussines. Thank you. 

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