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Seeking support from fellow Upwork freelancers

Hello everyone,


I hope this message finds you well and that you are having a great day! I am writing today to reach out to my fellow freelancers on Upwork and seek support from those of you who have been in the platform for a while.

I am a relatively new freelancer on Upwork and while I am familiar with the basic workings of the platform, I feel like there's still much to learn. I would love to connect with more experienced freelancers who can offer advice and support as I navigate the ups and downs of this platform.


Here are a few specific areas that I would like to get advice on:

  • Finding the right projects to bid on
  • Managing multiple projects and meeting deadlines
  • Improving my profile to attract more clients
  • Any other tips or tricks that can help me succeed as a freelancer on Upwork

I believe that we can all learn from each other, and I am confident that I will benefit from your insights and experiences. If you are willing to share your advice and support, I would be eternally grateful.


Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.


Best regards, 

Nazir Abbas

Community Member

Hello Dear freelancers


Thank you for your message, Mr. Nazir Abbas.


We are waiting for experienced freelancers' assistance in this platform.


Thank you


Moussa Fayama


Community Member

Hello Moussa Fayama,

Thank you for your response to my message seeking support from fellow freelancers on Upwork.


I appreciate your willingness to help connect me with experienced freelancers on the platform who can offer advice and support. I look forward to hearing from them and learning from their experiences.


Thank you again for your response.


Best regards,

Nazir Abbas

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