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New Generative AI Category Added

Community Manager

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On a rolling basis, we review and update the specialties and skills listed on Upwork to reflect the current trends and talents that members of Upwork have to offer. Updates often involve new categories, simple renaming, merging, and corrections to streamline the experience and help improve metadata. These updates aim to provide more precise information, improved organization, and more accurate listings in our marketplace and your job searches.


This specific change makes it easier for Upwork clients and talent to find and showcase AI & Machine Learning related work. We are introducing a new category for ‘Generative AI’ within Marketplace and several changes within the Project Catalog categories. 


All changes are emphasized in bold and underlined. We encourage you to check the skills listed on your profiles and job posts to ensure they are accurate and current.



‘Generative AI’ added to the Data Science & Analytics category 

L1 - Data Science & Analytics

L2 - AI & Machine Learning

L3 - Generative AI 


This means you’ll be able to discover jobs in the Generative AI subcategory and create a specialized profile for Generative AI (as you can for all L3 categories). 


Project Catalog 

The changes to the Project Catalog categories include the addition of a new ‘AI & Machine Learning’ category with new subcategories for Generative AI and Other AI & Machine Learning. Additionally, Chatbots and Machine Learning subcategories will now be part of AI & Machine Learning. 


L1 - Development & IT

L2 - AI & Machine Learning

L3 - Generative AI

L3 - Chatbots (relocated)

L3 - Machine Learning (relocated)

L3 - Other AI & Machine Learning


These changes will allow you to create projects in the new categories. If you have an existing project in Chabots or the Machine Learning categories, you will soon find those projects under AI & Machine Learning.


We will continue to expand categories as new technologies and skills emerge so that you can best represent your abilities. 


To view all of our updates and changes to the category structure, check out our dedicated category, specialty, and skill updates page within the help center.