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Jigar's avatar
Jigar M Community Member

Account Suspended

I have completed 10 time identity card, Tax Card, resident card, and when started my upwork account that time also confirm my identity and upwork client account in also confirm my credit card and ATM card.


My freelancer massage me I am fraud but I am not but I can't reply because my account is restricted all call me fraud my reputation became damage please fast solution now 

I have attached


Tax payers card

Government I'd card 

Election Card

I'm from India please help me send your number and call me and video chat and verify me my all project are stopped 


Please immediately activate 

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Jigar,


If the action buttons that you usually use are grayed out, the Trust & Safety team may have suspended your account. In that case, you will have received a support ticket with an email notification about the action on your account. Please refer to your ticket on this page and reply to the email if you have any questions for the team.


~ Luiggi

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AKASH's avatar
AKASH V Community Member

Dear Upwork Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to respectfully appeal the suspension of my Upwork account, AKASH VERMA. Unfortunately, I was unable to log in to my old account due to the suspension, which is why I am reaching out from this new account.

I understand that the suspension may have been due to a misunderstanding or unintentional violation of Upwork's terms. I deeply value the opportunities that Upwork provides and have always strived to follow the platform's guidelines. I sincerely apologize for any unintended actions on my part.

I kindly request you to review my account suspension and provide guidance on how I can resolve any issues. I am fully committed to upholding the platform's standards and ensuring compliance with all policies moving forward.It is being around 96 hours but my account did not opened pleas help me there was my money in the account and everything was verified.

Please let me know if there is any additional information or clarification you need to assist with this appeal. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,
Akash Verma

old account email-> **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Ronna's avatar
Ronna P Moderator

Hi Akash,


I'm sorry to hear about the issue on your account. Please know that I shared your post with the handling team for follow-up. Please allow more time for our team to review your case. You will be notified of their response.


Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Is there anyway to contact a live agent directly to help. My account has been suspended for 3 days and I have emailed, email and email I even sent in different tickets and every time I email someone finally reaches back to me to say they have merger all my requested and they will let me know but not actually helping me. I am losing money because I have active clients that need me to work but I can't. I have literally email them like 40 times ask, begging them to help get the issue solved, I even tried the phone number listed at the website and it literally just a recording telling you to email them. I need immediate a help does anyone know what I can do please, the week is done and I can't even log in my hours to get paid. Worst customer service I have ever seen.

please if you have any ideas let me know 

Ivygail's avatar
Ivygail J Moderator

Hello Escarlet,


I am sorry to hear that your account has been limited and that you faced trouble reaching out to support. We value your feedback and will share this with our team for review. I checked your account and do not see any restrictions. Are you referring to another account? If so, could you please click on my name and send me a PM with the email address linked to the account in question? I'd be sure to check this further and escalate if needed. 


Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

HI Ivygail I'm unsure how to send PM but really need this issue solve in order to get my log hours for the week, the email link to the account is **Edited for Community Guidelines**. please help, please upwork support don't even answer to my messages any more. 

Wang's avatar
Wang X Community Member

Hello Upwork Community,

I am experiencing an issue with my account, and I hope someone can provide guidance or assistance. My account currently displays the following message: "We have blocked your account. Find out more or contact customer support."

I have already submitted a support ticket regarding this issue, but unfortunately, I haven't received any updates or resolutions more than 3 days. I would really appreciate any advice or support from the community or Upwork team on resolving this issue as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Wang,


I am sorry to hear about the action taken on your account. I can see that you've already raised a support ticket regarding your concern. You can access your support tickets here. Note that support requests are responded to in the order they are received. Kindly allow 24-48 hours for the team to follow up with you and assist you further.


- Pradeep

Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

I am contacting for my bosses account because my account got suspended for no reason about five days ago. I have emailed, I even called the number I found on the website that turns out just to be a recording. I have email like 40 times and still haven't received a response regarding my suspension and every time I send a ticket they just merge it together without telling me anything. I am a member of up upwork Pro and cannot reach anybody from the customer support team that can help me solve this issue it's Saturday and I won't be able to log in my hours if this is fix. Please upwork try to reach me so I can log in my account and add my weekly hours so I don't lose my client this suspension was not my fault I reported the client because it was suspicious and then we're running a scam and I even gave you the proof but instead of the client being suspended I got suspended. I pay for the membership for Upwork pro so I could get the best out of this app but now I can't even reach anyone to help me

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hello Escarlet,


I've notified the relevant team of your account status, and they've contacted you via your support ticket regarding the account you need assistance with. You can also access your tickets through the email address associated with your account. 

~ Luiggi
Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Hi Luiggi

This is the same thing I been trying to tell everything one I don't have access to see the ticket status because I can't login into my account at all, and everything I email to get an update they just tell me the same thing. I CAN'T login into my account, I haven't received an emails on this and everything time I sent an email they tell me they will get back to me. Please help me 

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Escarlet,


We saw your post in the community and converted it into a support ticket to give it the attention it deserves. Rest assured that one of our agents will contact you.

~ Joanne
Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Just please help me, I been out of work for 6 days because you guys don't get back to me, I'm stress my clients are about to drop me because I cannot do my assignments for them. Please check on this please please 

Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Is someone supposed to reach out to me it's been 6 days of trying to solve this issue and sending countless of emails to Upwork Support and still I get not respond other than we will get back to you 

Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Just please help me, I been out of work for 6 days because you guys don't get back to me, I'm stress my clients are about to drop me because I cannot do my assignments for them. Please check on this please please 

Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Hi LuiggiR 

can you please please please help I'm still waiting on this. Please help me 

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Escarlet,


I'm sorry for any frustration this may be causing; I understand that you're eager to have this resolved, and the team continues to work with you through this. I see that you are actively communicating with them through your ticket; kindly allow more time for them to reply and rest assured they'll assist you further.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

~ Luiggi
Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

I am actively communicating but also this is my job we are talking about. Also my living income. Is there anyway at least withdraw the money I had made. Please try to expedite this

Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Good morning, I still haven't received any response or news on this could you please check 

Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

Still posting my issue because it's day 6 and my account is still suspended. Support reach out 2 days ago advised they were able to verify my identity on my account and I quickly contacted them again to see if I can finally work and I haven't heard back, ghosted. I have money in my account that I would like to withdraw because it's my only source of income and also my clients are expecting me to return to work after one week of not being able to log hours or do anything for them. Moderators please check on my issues you guys are the only ones that been able to help a little https://community.upwork.com/t5/Support-Forum/Account-Suspended/m-p/1693878#M195141

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Escarlet,


We can see that you already have an open ticket regarding this issue. One of our agents will update your ticket and assist you further. We encourage you to continue coordinating with the team directly through your open ticket to keep everything in one place so that they can efficiently help you. 

~ Joanne
Escarlet's avatar
Escarlet V Community Member

I have done everything they have ask, I haven’t heard from and I keep sending emails that are basically just being ignored. If I can’t work though upwork just let me know so I can make other arrangements to still work with my clients it’s been a week of getting no response and it’s really frustrating

Udhay's avatar
Udhay M Community Member



I cannot able to submit the proposal, I am getting the following message.
"You can't submit a proposal because your account is suspended."


I have not received any email on Account Suspend. 

I also took the upwork upskill test.

Kindly help me to resolve this.

Thank you

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Udhay,


We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ Luiggi
Udhay's avatar
Udhay M Community Member

Hi LuiggiR,


Thank you so much for your support.

Elom's avatar
Elom S Community Member

I'm unable to apply for jobs because it says my account is suspended. There's no place I'm able to appeal to the suspension. What can I do?

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