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Escrow Refund

Hi guys,


I need help the client requested a refund for $100 (which he paid me last 2 weeks ago). He requested a refund saying I run to his money even I am done with the project already and he approved it to release the funds in escrow and after that he leave me a good review. Then just today he requested a refund with this message which is not true.





Community Member



Ignore it. You are under no obligation to refund the money unless you want to.

Hi William,


If I ignore it do still mediation process and arbitration will apply? I have completed the job and it was last 2 weeks ago.

Hi Deuei,


A client can bring a freelancer to mediation at any time for any reason. It doesn't mean that they would win.

Community Member

Refund thinking hurts clients.


If you did the work, you deserve to be paid. If you refund money to a client when you did the work, you are turning that client into a thief and damaging their soul.


In order to avoid harming the client's soul, you should not refund money to him.

Strongly agree because a small number of clients go into contracts with the intent to get free work - to the best of my discernment I avoid working with them.

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