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Can someone help me with possible refund request?

Hi. I had a freelancer do two jobs for me, they did great on the first and the second seemed well digitally... I paid them the full amount and went on with life (they formatted books for me). I finally got in physical copies of the second book and the numbering is way off. I brought it up to them, as weeks had gone by, and they said sure, they could fix it that day. Two days went by and I reached out, they said they would do it for a small fee of my choosing. They weren't happy with my offer and countered for more money, which is when I requested a refund. They are ignoring it. Ideas?
Community Member

re: "Ideas?"


Hire somebody else to do the work.

I plan to do the work myself from now on. Do you know if my original rating will stand, or can it be modified? As I replied to another post, it sounds like I'm S.O.L on this one, fixed price or not.

Community Member

Did you request a refund of the original amount you paid, or the "small fee of your choosing" ?


It wouldn't be logical to refund the original amount, since you accepted the deliverables. Not checking them at the time of delivery was on you - the freelancer would have probably fixed them free of charge. However, after "weeks gone by" the fixes become a separate job and you cannot make the freelancer accept it, let alone do it for a price of your choosing - you have to negotiate and find a common ground. Or, use another freelancer for the job.

I messaged them and let them know that it was definitely on me for not waiting until the actual print came through, and I asked for half the job amount. I seemed like they were offering to do it for free initially, and after the long pause I messaged them again to offer payment. They said whatever I offered was fine, but rejected my offer and said they'd do it only for more. Sounds like I'm S.O.L on this one. Thanks for replying.

How much money in total have you paid to this freelancer?

The freelancer may have thought at first it was an easy modification and offered to do it for a small amount. But then realized it would take much longer (or didn't event know how to do it maybe?) and rejected the project using the price as an excuse. Either way, better use another freelancer or do it yourself if it's simpler. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Kathryn, 

I looked into your account but couldn't identify the contract you're referring to. Do you mind sharing the Contract ID so that I can check this for you?

~ Avery

Yes, it's 27668248.


I'm okay with letting it go if it isn't worth pursuing, I didn't like how the conversation between the freelancer and I ended, but that's life I suppose.

Hi Kathryn, 

Thank you for patiently waiting as I looked into this further. I checked the contract, and it seems like it has been several months since the last payment on the contract. As such, the team will not be able to provide mediation assistance for you and your freelancer as it has been more than 30-days since the last payment. You still have the opportunity to discuss this with the freelancer through Messages. 

In the meantime, I'll also ask the Customer Support Team to reach out to you regarding your concern. 

~ Avery
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