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Change Job Success

We recently ended a job with a freelancer and for some reason the job success score on his profile is not reflecting this. The job ended because it was successfully completed but it's not reflecting on his profile. In fact his profile took a major hit showing only a 92% success due to this. How can we update this error?


Hi Tara,


Thank you for your message. Please request the freelancer to contact us directly so that we can check their account and assist in a better way.


Thank you,


Community Member

JSS is only calculated 26 times per year. If you just ended the contract, then it won't be considered for approx. 12 days (I think; there is no published schedule)

My JSS was changed yesterday (6th, Feb),

We ended the contract 31st, Jan.

Hmmm. Then you had other contracts close that have poor private feedback, old jobs moved out of one JSS window into another, or the private feedback that Tara's team provided was not as glowing as the public feedback.

Community Member

Wait, how did you get that image? Only the owner of the account can see that screen. 

Community Member

Oleksandr M (the FL) sent it to them.

Community Member

oh how strange. Why would you send a client this?  Is this one of those times we're reminded why we have jss in the first place? Harassing clients over jss? 


v v v strange. So nice for a client to take time out of their day to post this. They are v v v invested in a random freelancer's success. More than most clients I think. Wayyyy more.

It's inappropriate.

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