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Finding trusted SEO specialist

I have used Upwork previously a few times and I was happy with the results. However all these projects were piece work and I could measure the work based on delivery.

I am looking into improving my company's SEO and other digital marketing parts but I am worried about how to find trustworthy freelancer who will actually care about my work and not treat it as number only. I am hoping to get valuable info and advice from clients who used freelancers for such services.


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Good luck.  I've been searching for 5 years, and paid Neil Patel to Lester Lunchbucket, and none of them ever moved the needle for me... except less traffic.

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First have them come up with a game plan and have them share it with you. If you are not satisfied with their plan you can stop working with them so you're not wasting anymore money and find someone better. Maybe hire a few freelancers just to come up with a game plan and then continue working with the one with the best strategy. It will save money in the long run.

Avoid anyone promising #1 results for all or even most of your target queries, this is very unlikely.

Avoid crappy backlinks. Quality is much better than quantity. I see a lot of SEOs on some platforms provide many backlinks but are very low quality.

Once you hire someone keep an eye on your traffic and your rankings. These are all visible in the Google search console. If you are unfamiliar with it be sure to familiarize yourself with it.

Find someone who can also do technical seo with things like page speed. Google has announced that pages that meet all core vitals for page speed will receive a boost in a future update.

SEO is a long term endeavor and not an overnight success. Don't expect overnight success.
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