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Juntianus's avatar
Juntianus J Community Member

How much money I spent so-far?

I have tried to browse in the transaction history which gives me menus of debit, credits, expense, fixed price, etc. which I tried all, BUT no one that gives me how much money that I already spent for the completed project. The transaction history just shows all the transaction, which sometimes if we already fund the project let say, 10$, and then the project is cancelled, and then I get back my 10$, the history shows 20$. Which in real, I spent 0$.


Any ways of getting this data from the upwork, other than manually calculated the from the job history?

Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Hi Juntianus,


You can go to one of your open job posts. On the right you will see information about you as a client, including "Total Spent."


I hope it helps.

~ Valeria
Ty's avatar
Ty H Community Member

It is really frustrating for people that manage multiple projects who need to see how much they are spending. I also have tried in vain to use the Transaction Report... but I cannot get a number for how much I've spent after fees and such. The only way to do it is to go to my bank statements and add up the transactions from there.


Please consider adding a report for this purpose... there are two metrics I'd want to know.


1. How much I've spent across all jobs (in time period) before Upwork Fees

2. How much I've spent across all jobs (in time period) in Total (including Upwork fees)


Nice to have would be to filter this by job or by freelancer.

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Ty, 


Thanks for the feedback you sent us here! I'd be happy to share this suggestion with our Team.

~ Bojan
Dean's avatar
Dean J Community Member

The accounting system in the transaction history is terrible. Everyone wants to be able to open up the transaction history and click on a period, say from Oct 2018 to May 2019 and see the exact amount of money that has been spent, the exact amount of money that has been deposited from the bank card to upwork + the fee. 
Why can you not make it so simple for everyone?


If you go to Jobs - contracts - and put int hat period, some contracts may have been initially opened for a fee, but you end up not paying that amount, but in the list it shows the amount you opened the job.


So bad.

Dean's avatar
Dean J Community Member

How many people are needed to com[plain about this terrible accounting system in the transaction history before upwork will do something about it?


If you look through google and yahoo, there are hundreds of people.



Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Dean, 

I want to look into this further for you, and I'm sorry to learn that this has been an inconvenience. I wanted to check if you have chosen a specific transaction in your transaction history report so that it in only shows the transaction related to it? 

Let me know if this doesn't resolve this for you.



~ Avery
Karl's avatar
Karl S Community Member

Chris's avatar
Chris K Community Member

I don't see any reason to continue using your product. The most basic of accounting principles are missing in action. You didn't bother asking your customers what they NEED before designing your product, don't listen to what your customers NEED after years of 'working beta'. First and last time user. Lesson learned. Thanks.

Nadir's avatar
Nadir H Community Member

I definetely agree with Chris -- there is no visibility whatsoever.


Please make bigger effort to add accounting to your service. This is somewhat ridiculous.

Ryan's avatar
Ryan P Community Member

Total amount spent as a client? I am baffled as to how such a simple and obvious need was overlooked and continues to be overlooked after nearly 8 years as an ongoing request. All I see in the responses here from you (upwork) are misdirected responses - answering a different question than was quite simply asked -- How much have I spent?  Not per project; not per contractor; not "add it up yourself" ---- How much money have I spent??? Period. 

Dana's avatar
Dana C Community Member

so true and agree. So sleazy and they know it, so they make it hard for people to find taht info and rely on confusing the customer.... will be going elsewhere until they offfer this after contract is over.



Dean's avatar
Dean J Community Member

That cannot help you to calculate the total amount someone has spent over a period.

There is no data in upwork that we can easily see over a period of how much money we have paid into upwork.

There needs to be a transaction history of the total amount we have put into upwork, less any refunds, plus fees, and the total amount remaining in upwork. This is what people want, we do not want any of the other garbage that is in the transaction history.


looking at contracted jobs is not the correct amount as well....



Martin's avatar
Martin C Community Member

Looks like this is still a problem. I went in to see how much I'd spent all-time on hiring freelancers and ... it didn't go well. 

Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Martin, 

On your Transactions Report page, you can apply a date range and use specific filters for your search to see all the transactions on your client account. From there, you can download the report to a CSV file to manipulate the data further. 

While I understand this isn't the feature you're looking for on the Client Basic Plan, you may opt to upgrade to another membership plan to have more access to Reports. 

~ Avery
Ryan's avatar
Ryan P Community Member

Get rid of this upgrade so you can start working on projects that are good for Upwork and its customers, instead of schemeing on ways to get us to upgrade. 


Consider this: we have to upgrade in order to get access to more information about what happended to our money. We spend how much through your site on a regular basis and to show your appreciation you create an interal motive to figure out what to withhold from us in order to extort us into upgrading? This is not an in app game. You are screwing with peoples' businesses and livelyhoods in order to scrape out a few more pennies from our already strained budgets. It looks like you just announced your priorites quite publically, and sold out your brand on the cheap. This is so disappointing. 

Dana's avatar
Dana C Community Member

no you can't if the contract is not active.

ben's avatar
ben s Community Member

Still no resolution to this? 

Ievgenii's avatar
Ievgenii K Community Member

A small quality of life improvement would be adding "Total" to the Transaction History report or selecting a date range in Work Diary. 


However, a page in Reports -> Time by Freelancer shows everything I need.

Michelle's avatar
Michelle R Community Member

2023 and this hasn´t been fixed

Dana's avatar
Dana C Community Member

such a sleazywebsite, I have been looking for an hour now on how much I have spent since September anf there is no way to see. The contract has to be active to see it. I am lloking to hire on another website, why would I go back and hire on the website if I can't find out how much I have sepnt on their website, so so so sleazy....

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