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I’m a freelancer, will my profile get suspended

I was contacted by a client yhsg I saw on upwork. Client had me sign contract and I would be able to terminate any time. Client email check to me for me to do mobile deposit for 1,950.00. Id that normal.

Client expected funds to be available Nect day for me to buy computer through zelle. (There vendors) check that large takes 5-7 days on hold.

Is this a scam from client of what?

I’m not doing that job.


Ron B
Community Member

Ronald B wrote:
Is this a scam from client of what?

Yes, of course it's a scam. The check is fake.

And you violated Upwork's terms of service by 1) communicating outside Upwork and 2) agreeing to receive payment outside the platform.


Ronald B wrote:
Client expected funds to be available Nect day for me to buy computer through zelle. (There vendors) check that large takes 5-7 days on hold.

There is no computer and there is no vendor. (Obviously). There is no job and the "vendor" is the same person as the "client". The whole point is to turn a fake check into real money, paid by you.


One of the oldest, dumbest scams on the net. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ronald,


Could you please send me a private message with your Upwork username or registered email address along with the contract ID so that I can check?


Please note that Section 7 of Upwork’s User Agreement prohibits clients and freelancers from circumventing Upwork during the first two years of their relationship. Circumvention is when a client and freelancer meet on Upwork, but choose to conduct their relationship outside of Upwork, typically by sending payment through another means outside the platform. You can check this help article for more information.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
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