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Low Activity Level in Freelancer's Work Diary on Web Development Job

I am a relatively inexperienced team leader / manager on Upwork. I have a freelancer working on a task to build webpages in WordPress. This is a new contract, and it's my first time working with this Freelancer.


The activity level is an average of approximately 5 (out of 10) in the freelancer's Work Diary for a recent 5 hour block of time. Please see the attached screenshot of one of the least productive 10 minute increments tracked. There is an activity level of 2 out of 10 with virtually no activity on the keyboard and mouse. I assigned very clear instructions, and I don't view this task as one which would require creative thinking. In other words, I would expect the activity level to be much higher, and to not have time tracked where virtually no activity is ocurring.


How do clients typically deal with this? I want the Freelancer to be paid fairly for his time, but I am concerned that I'm being billed for time where no work ocurred.

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If you will start dispute then this time will be refunded for sure. But you can warn lazy freelancer first to stop cheating with timer.

Possible that FL working at other PC so if you happy with results then ignore activity.

Good advice from above. But there's a chance the freelancer doesn't understand something. He or she may be too nervous to ask. I believe your story at face value, but there's always a chance the mistake is more innocent than it sounds. Perhaps the instructions you thought were clear were not clear to him or her.

I'm just opening up those possbilities. At face value, certainly, your concern is very legitimate. The problem needs to be confronted. But go into it with an open mind and heart. Then, after that, offer more money for your projects and get qualified, seasoned help. If you're trying to skimp by finding marginal help, that is.


Again, your complaint certainly needs a response. You sound very responsible and concerned. I don't mean to imply you are not.

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Did you agree to pay him for breaks like lunch, dinner, bathroom time, netflix or gaming ? No? then fire the FL and get next one.  

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If you consistently notice minimal activity in a freelancer's work diary, you have the right to raise a dispute.

If there are two or three instances of low activity as evidenced by screenshots, it's possible that the freelancer is conducting research related to your project requirements, so you don't need to worry.


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Since you have a clearly defined deliverable - why fret over active time? Create a fixed price project and set a clear deadline with milestones for what you are looking for and when.

Micromanaging hours will only lead to crappy work that you will need to pay for, whether in cash or in kind.

Judging from your screenshot attached, and your suspicion that the freelancer is not actually working, I would say approach the freelancer and be direct about what you noticed and explore the possibility of a fixed project conversion. 

Their reaction will allow you to make the appropriate decision

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