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Last week i paid for 10 hour job and yesterday contract ended all good. Then paid milestone for 2nd contractor and sit 3rd milestone and my card was charged straight away. Now why i get a notification my card declined ? How can we talk to real person ? Some freelancers good people and they just want work and i have worked with few good people but some are not and i dealt with 2 unskilled people too. But what letting upwork down is the communication of customer service! If its not possible to call then instead of robot a person should reply. No disrespect but the community discussion and asking is not solving the problem.
Community Member

Hi there, 


Sorry to hear you haven't been able to reach our customer support team. We'll have one of our agents reach out to you directly via a support ticket and make sure your concerns are addressed.

Generally, there could be many reasons why your payment was declined, such as insufficient funds, the credit card is expired, fraud protection, etc. Best way to find the specific reason is to contact your card issuer.

~ Valeria
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