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bulk decline

I want to be polite and send a rejection letter to the unsuccessful ones that have applied for a job. But it has to be bulk. How do I do this?

Community Member

There is no way, and no need, to do this.

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless
Community Member

You are so kind as a client.


However, we freelancers understand that it's not possible for clients to reply to every proposal.

If you stay silent, we know what it means.


And it's ok!

Hieu T
Vietnamese translator
Community Member

I must disagree with my friend, Rene. You cannot do this. There's an algorithm for everything else, but not one that would save a client's time and help freelancers this way.


My disagreement is with the need to do this. If you got fifty responses, I understand. You just can't. I recently posted a job with seventeen responses,and I sent personal messages to every one of them.

I keep them apprised of the selection process, and tell them why they were not selected. If they are any good, I want them to have a warm feeling about me. And, I frequently hire from among my unsuccessful applicants, and recommend them to my clients.


Another board on which I do most of my hiring has this function, and allows the client to select which freelancers get the mass message.

Christan, perhaps send notes to any FLers you actually exchanged messages with. I do wish U. would implement a similar method as their competitor has... perhaps now they'll think about it.

Community Member

I could be wrong, but I could swear that when I hire a freelancer, I'm offered the opportunity to notify all other freelancers that the job has been filled. 

Community Member

You know, it might be possible to write a script for that, if you're interested (and if upwork allows it, of course).

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