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Fun Daily Facts

This is a new and fun topic where we can all put fun daily facts which help us learn and keep us sane 🙂

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I will do my opening act in the next few messages.

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Avocados are not vegetables.

Mashed Potatoes is Irish Guacamole.

Neither are raccoons.


Why they are raccons? 😂

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Only four words in the English language end in “dous.”

But in American English they end in "dos?"

What are they?



  • Tremendous
  • Stupendous
  • Hazardous
  • Horrendous



Community Member

Human teeth are the only part of the body that can’t heal themselves.

**bleep** True.


That's certainly not true.


True or not True?

Certainly, that's not true. If you sever your spine, you will be paralyzed forever. It will never heal.

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A shrimp’s heart is in its head.

LOL....Shrimp has no heart.😂

Its a fact! : )

They say that shrimp is the fruit of the sea, Forrest.

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Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins.

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Froot Loops are all the same flavor despite their different colors.

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Supermarket apples can be a year old.

Supermarket owner is here 😎

haha, is it true?

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Venus is the only planet that spins clockwise.

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You can see four states from Chicago’s Willis Tower.

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Interesting, but indeed facts! 👏 Here's one from me, "personally." This is a fun fact; I'm confident some members will agree. LoL


-I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along. 


~ Arjay

Haha. Love these Arjay!

Community Member

Thank you for suggesting a good topic for us.

Here is my personal story:

- I woke up late on Sunday and went to the bathroom. However, I realized that I had forgotten the color of my toothbrush.


Maybe red color 🤔


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No word in the English language rhymes with "orange"

Now, that is interesting!

There are actually two words that rhyme with the word orange: sporange, which is apparently a technical word for a spore sac, and Blorenge, a mountain in Wales.

Good to know this!

But don't worry, eventually someone will attempt to develop a pronunciation of a standard word that will attempt to rhyme with it. Like pronouncing "range" in a similar fashion. 

"Did you see my new orange range rover?

But the drug makers will invent one!

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Crocodiles can’t stick out their tongues.

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