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Happy 4th of July

Happy independence day to those who celebrate it :united_states:

Community Member

Thank you!  I am proud to say that my ancestors have been here since before the Revolutionary War and fought the good fight against the British.  It's really a lovely day to focus on what is right and good about the USA and ignore the problems.

Thanks for sharing that piece of information, Mary.


I agree. America is such a beautiful place. All the problems will be gone at some point or another, but this land is going nowhere.

@Mary W wrote:

It's really a lovely day to focus on what is right and good about the USA 

There are plenty of things that are right indeed, so much actually that one could say that America is great already. Nothing is perfect, of course, and seeking to improve things is valuable, but so is acknowledging positive aspects of things.


And now, everybody needs to watch this:


"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless
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