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Top Upwork freelancers find a mention in Copyblogger

Hi Everyone,


Found this article on Copyblogger that talks about freelance writing niches for 2024.


Among the examples of high-earning professionals are some Upwork freelancers including a forum frequenter and Technical Writer -- Jennifer M. 


I am not familiar with the others.


I am adding the link for anyone interested in reading the post.


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Except for AI writing, none of that information has changed since the dawn of time. If any professional writer thinks content writing or blog writing is lucrative, then there's a bridge across San Francisco Bay that I'd like to sell them. 

Maybe, maybe not. If you work with brands, it could be lucrative. 

I suppose you're right. A few years back, however, SEO writing was the top of the Internet food chain. Writers I knew were getting $1 and $2 per word.


To do that, of course, you had to work directly for the company in question. The writing was corrupt, as all SEO writing is -- basically, it's subliminal advertising -- but you still had to have sound writing chops to convince a major corporation to hire you as a freelance writer. 

Further down the pyramid was content writing and under that, at least 10 years ago, was blog writing, which still tended to mean 300-word (to stretch the term) essays written by stay-at-home types trying to monetize their insights into cooking, gardening, or raising kids. When they ran out of insights, they hired ghostwriters or gave novices a chance to see their writing published with a byline. Anyway, that was the pecking order 10-15 years ago.

Yes, blog writing began as a personal journal of sorts, but became an attractive form of writing aimed at SERP for company or ecom sites with a few static pages. It then became a 3000-word monster what with marketing gurus like Neil Patel extolling its versatility and value.


The highest I earned from finance blogs aka tax guides (for a couple of Indian clients) was $120 per post before I moved into food and nutrition (sadly not high paying unlike other niches). 


You can't survive on blog writing in western countries unless it's a side gig or you work with a few corporates clients that pay $300 for mid-form blogging at the minimum.

Case studies, data driven posts, trade pubs, and whitepapers are the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.


But in countries with a higher $ or € exchange rates rather than lower costs of living, blogging (for international clients not cheapos) provides a decent white collar income.


Community Member

Rekha S wrote:

Hi Everyone,


Found this article on Copyblogger that talks about freelance writing niches for 2024.


Among the examples of high-earning professionals are some Upwork freelancers including a forum frequenter and Technical Writer -- Jennifer M. 


Ah, the lady with pink hair?

For quite some time, the usual suspects that frequented Coffee Break have gone silent.


"Certa bonum certamen"

Yes, many have quit the platform in Nov and Dec.

The "lady with the pink hair" was on the forum the other day with her tarty, snarky comments.



Rekha S wrote:

Yes, many have quit the platform in Nov and Dec.

The "lady with the pink hair" was on the forum the other day with her tarty, snarky comments.



No, the people I am referring to have been gone for a much longer time.


Years, I think.


Remember the time all hell broke loose with the “renaming” of Coffee Break to Coconut Break?


That was two years ago.




"Certa bonum certamen"

Yes, I remember that, although I haven't frequented the forum much in the past 3 years.

Nicole, Sir Douglas, Rahul, Vikram, and Renee are still around but rarely visit the forum.

Petra is very much active on Reddit/Upwork subs.


There were a few others like Wendy, and Bill, with whom I interacted through 2016-19, who left long ago, during Covid I think.


I haven't seen Preston since July.


I guess they all upped and left when Upwork changed the way it operated. 

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