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What's your go-to method for staying motivated and productive during challenging projects?

As freelancers on Upwork, we often find ourselves juggling multiple projects, deadlines, and clients. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we encounter tasks that seem daunting or projects that test our patience. In those moments, maintaining motivation and productivity becomes crucial. So, fellow freelancers, what strategies do you rely on to stay focused and energized when faced with challenging projects? Whether it's setting specific goals, taking regular breaks, or seeking inspiration from other sources, share your go-to methods for staying motivated and productive. Let's support each other in conquering the ups and downs of freelancing life!


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Me personaly use sevral approaches.


1) A pomodoro timer. No excuses to work outside of the focus time, no excuses to interrupt the focus time. It's also nice to step out of the laptop during breaks. This technique was a game changer for me.


2) Music. But I have a great passion in it. When I'm going to start wokring I think about a song I like and how I will be listerning to it. And with all that anticipation the song drives my work significantly. 


3) Before the start I'm relaxig and thinking what I start with and what I'll be doing. In several minutes I pull myself into the process so much, and I want to start already.


4) Somtimes you just need give yourself a kick.


So, that's it. I always use pomodoro timer. As for the other methods, it depends. Sometimes I do one thing. Sometimes another. Or several at once. It depends on the mood and deadlines.

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Hi Salman! Usually it's a mix of setting specific goals I want to achieve by completing project, and just doing relaxing stuff while not working. So stuff like physical activity, hanging out with people, whatever helps you take your mind off things usually works for me.

I agree, as for me physical activity is an effective way to work productively on projects

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Hi, Salaman. It's an inteersting topic. Reading motivational quotes is a good idea, you have ideas from the people who passed this way. 

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Always take a break during the down times.

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Definitely  is to listen to music! It helps me above all in concentrating and consequently in achieving my goals 😊


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Me personaly use sevral approaches.


1) A pomodoro timer. No excuses to work outside of the focus time, no excuses to interrupt the focus time. It's also nice to step out of the laptop during breaks. This technique was a game changer for me.


2) Music. But I have a great passion in it. When I'm going to start wokring I think about a song I like and how I will be listerning to it. And with all that anticipation the song drives my work significantly. 


3) Before the start I'm relaxig and thinking what I start with and what I'll be doing. In several minutes I pull myself into the process so much, and I want to start already.


4) Somtimes you just need give yourself a kick.


So, that's it. I always use pomodoro timer. As for the other methods, it depends. Sometimes I do one thing. Sometimes another. Or several at once. It depends on the mood and deadlines.

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