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Account Suspended

My twin sister’s account just got permanently suspended.The email she received didn’t state the reason or the violation she did and this is really devastating on her side. She already have an ongoing contract and working for 2 weeks now. her client’s payment is still in Upwork. She just got her account verified. Upwork has been a great help for us freelancers and I don’t want to believe that this is how you do business. We take our clients seriously for its a source of our income. She spent sleepless nights training despite of being handful with her baby, she is also careful not to violate Upwork’s terms and conditions. We find it unfair for Upwork to terminate the account without disclosing the reason why (that being said, she was not given a chance to defend herself) And I think it is also unjust for Upwork not to give back her hard earned money. We all go through a battle everyday and I am sure nobody will ever want to be in this situation. We are hoping we could get a help on this.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Maria Veronica,


Unfortunately, we are unable to discuss the details of another user's account with you for privacy reasons. We hope you understand.


Please, check out this help article for more information about the most common reasons for the freelancer account holds.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
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