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Anybody else extremely frustrated by the Connects system in 2024 and Upwork's lack of response?

Been on this platform for 7 or 8 years and am having my worst year ever. Despite boosting with connects very few proposals opened, a bajillion proposals per gig are submitted, required connects are up to like 60+, it's just not working anymore. Clients seem to want to pay less as well.  Could it be because there are just so many people on this platform now that it's become nearly impossible to get noticed or hope for a proposal to be opened, unless you're in the special Enterprise client circle? It's like I'm paying more and making more effort for a lot lot less. Anybody else having the same experience or has figured out how to crack the Connects and lack of proposal openings nut?

Community Member


Except the 'frustration' part. Don't let a broker frustrates you


You can find a bajillion threads about this matter.

Community Member

Hi Jen, I'm having a similar experience.  I've been using platform for 3+ years, I am Expert Vetted.  I am close to losing money on this platform thus far in 2024 on Boosts, relative to the earnings I've had (not much).  Every day in this forum another experienced Upwork freelancer shares a similar story - major downturn in 2024 due to Upwork becoming a Casino that drains our resources in exchange for very rare encounters with quality clients.


I posted a thread ealier in the month where I shared that in a 30 day span I applied to 142 jobs and 77 of them did not interview a single paying candidate.  How is the Connects system fair if the majority of Upwork clients are not interviewing a SINGLE PAYING CANDIDATE?  And a vast majority are not hiring anyone at all.


Clients are not hiring because the options client sees when they review candidates is a total mess.  Boosts are meaningless to clients, the Best Match system is totally illogical beacuse inexperienced people with no JSS are rated Best Match, while qualified freelancers including BOOSTED FREELANCERS show up in the "Other Proposals" aka the trash.


My hope is that enough of these accounts like yours and mine will accumulate and Upwork Upper Management will have to do something.  But sadly I think they are too busy counting their earnings derrived from our utterly useless Boosted Connects.  

Community Member

WOW!  I am shocked that the phrase "Upwork becoming a Casino" was edited for Community Guidelines.  But Upwork, you send us e-mails saying that "You have to Bid to Win!" encouraging us to boost connects.  That is how Casinos work. 


The Boosted Connect system is exactly like a gambling game of chance.  When we decide to spend our hard-earned money on Boosted Connects... we don't know if this particular client is serious about hiring, when a majority of the jobs don't result in a hire, and a majority of the jobs do not interview a single paying candidate.  (At least from my data collection experiments in my field).  And when an increasing number of clients use AI to write their posts (enabled by Upwork's AI extensions), it becomes more and more challenging for Freelancers to discern which clients are legitmate and which are not.  The Boosted Connect system is not merit based, it is luck based... it is a game of chance. And what is the appropriate name for a business that profits off of customers losing money in games of chance?  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Thomas, 

I understand why editing out that phrase may be upsetting for some while it doesn't really violate the guidelines, and I apologize for the mistake our team made. 

I have reinstated your original post. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Thanks Avery, I appreciate that my feedback can remain on the site

Community Member

100% agree. Thank god I have a normal job that pays for me to live. This place **Edited for Community Guidelines**. So many scam posts, so many jobs that don't even pay for a tank of gas- so much spent on Connects. Who's getting rich here? 

Glad you do have another job, Upwork most certainly works for people in poor countries that are good with low rates... If you live in any country like USA, and co, Upwork really won't be worth it, because on a job you ask for say 30$ per hour, there's a freelancer out there that is super happy with 10$ per hour and same skills if not better, so that's the thing. 

Community Member

The problem for a poor guy from a poor country: where are you going to get those 15 USD for your SIX (jesus!) replies? SIX!

Community Member

Nothing dumber than block your own income with a paywall. Upwork either does not understand where their income comes from, or they rely on some other some sources of income (cough, cough money laundering). Most of the people here come from third world AKA poor countries. Paying 15 USD for 6 job replies (which do not guarantee job landing to one) is insane to most of them. I have strong account and I just do not unserstand how to earn here anymore. Imagine starting a new profile here.

Contact price skyrocketed after they got back 10% flat fee (20% fee BTW me and many freelancers fortold to be a reaaaaaaaaly bad idea, wouldoyaknow).

Get your **bleep** together Upwork. I can't make money for you, because I need money to pay for your connects. I can't make money, because I need connects. See the problem here?

You need to give us at least 3 free replies a day, or you gonna lose us all eventually.

The problem is, if you get free connects, so do the people and scammers who are your competition. So, now you have tripled everyone's ability to throw hundreds of proposals at the clients. This helps no one, but hurts every legitimate freelancer. While you can apply for three more jobs per day, so can everyone else. The primary problem on the platform is too many people who have no skills or experience, or are under-skilled. They throw connects and apply for every job, making the clients angry, and then they leave, because they receive hundreds of proposals since there are plenty of free connects. Three proposals for free, for all the freelancers, is an even bigger disaster than it is now.


Upwork doesn't care who leaves, because they have millions of people who will never get a job (fact) but they will believe Upwork, and throw connects at anything until their money is gone. They have put penalties on those who earn the most money, while reducing fees for those who earn the least. Professional experienced freelancers are not going to be chained to their device, applying for everything and boosting like mad. However, new and desperate people will, because they are told they must boost to get jobs. Since the platform is running on connects and reduced staff, Upwork is not going to change. If the majority of the freelancers left, Upwork would likely still make money.

The solution would be to give 3 free applications a day ONLY to freelancers with top badges... as a way to incentivize the quality freelancers who give the platform value.  (And to put the scammers/spammers/hacks/low quality hires at a disadvantage) 

Community Member

Appreciate all the replies, at least I'm not crazy. I am tempted to go on the CEO's social media and start calling out these bad policies...things changed dramatically when she took over.

You are certainly correct and far from crazy. Iam speaking about the Upwork Casino problem since it started,year or more, and iam censored, edited, atacked by UPW and couple of  defence players, which names you all know, that acting as freelancers.
I suport you decision to call out bad policies and specialy Hayden Brown the CEO. 
Latest news  about here is that she is dumping Upwork stocks at the end of 2023 and in 2024. You can google that.  

Community Member

My 2 cents here are Upwork is in win-win situation and both freelancers and clients are suffernig.


For a good job post with 20 connects price to apply and they recieve 50 proposels, Upwork make $150 just in apply process so why they'd care if the client actually got a best freelancer and the most qualified freelancer got that job.


Btw for me, I have made close to $400k so far by working 16000+ hours on this platform and almost all of my reviews are 5 star but I don't receive any invites anymore and I don't appear in search results even when I search for combination of keywords which are only in my profile, my profile doesn't show up and I am so called "Top Rated Plus"


This system is either broken or they are just minting money without serving the actual purpose (i.e connect talent with clients)

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